Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> <br /> <br />d. Sub-recipient shall ensure that expenditures of ARPA Funds are necessary Eligible <br />Uses under one of the following cost categories: (1) to respond to the COVID-19 public <br />health emergency or its negative economic impacts, including assistance to households, <br />small businesses, and nonprofits, or aid to impacted industries such as tourism, travel, <br />and hospitality; (2) to respond to worker’s performing eligible work during the <br />COVID-19 public health emergency by providing premium pay to eligible workers; (3) <br />for the provision of government services to the extent of reduction in revenue due to <br />the COVID-19 public health emergency relative to revenues collected in the most <br />recent full fiscal year prior to the emergency; and (4) to make necessary investments in <br />water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure. <br /> <br />e. Sub-recipient shall not use ARPA Funds for any non-allowable uses, including but not <br />limited to the following: (1) usage of funds to either directl y or indirectly offset a <br />reduction in net tax revenue resulting from a change in law, regulation, or <br />administrative interpretation during the covered period that reduces any tax or delays <br />the imposition of any tax or tax increase; (2) damages covered by insurance; (3) usage <br />of funds as a deposit into any pension fund; (4) expenses that have been or will be <br />reimbursed under any federal program; (5) debt service costs; (6) contributions to a <br />“rainy day” fund; and (7) legal settlements. <br /> <br />4. Compensation. <br /> <br />a. The County agrees to provide the Subrecipient the maximum sum of $2,562,300 for <br />costs actually incurred and paid by the Subrecipient in accordance with the Approved <br />Budget and for the performance of the Scope of Services under this Agreement (the <br />“ARPA Funds”). The amount of ARPA Funds is subject to adjustment by the County <br />if a substantial change is made in the Scope of Services that affects this Agreement or <br />if this Agreement is terminated prior to its expiration. ARPA Funds shall not be <br />expended prior to the Effective Date or following the earlier of the expiration or <br />termination of this Agreement. Costs incurred shall only be as necessary and allowable <br />to carry out the purposes and activities set out in the Scope of Services and may not <br />exceed the maximum limits set in the Approved Budget. Expenses charged against the <br />ARPA Funds shall be incurred in accordance with this Agreement. <br /> <br />b. To facilitate the release of ARPA Funds by the County to the Subrecipient and the <br />County’s compliance with reporting requirements for usage of ARPA funding, on or <br />before the 15th day of each month and in any event no later than thirty (30) days after <br />expiration or termination of this Agreement, the Subrecipient shall submit invoices, in <br />a form authorized by the County, for the most recent month ended, to the County, in <br />accordance with this Agreement. Within ten (10) business days from the date it receives <br />such invoice, the County may disapprove the requested compensation. If the <br />compensation is so disapproved, the County shall notify the Subrecipient of the <br />disapproval. If the County approves payment, then the County will disburse the funds <br />without further notice. The Subrecipient will then submit proof of invoice payment <br />within thirty (30) business days. <br /> <br />c. The payment of funds to the Subrecipient under this Agreement is contingent on the <br />receipt of such funds by the County from applicable federal funding sources and shall <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: E9696229-2C10-4E21-876A-3D5C1D00DF70