Orange County NC Website
Mr. Bruce Woody <br />September 14, 2022 Page 4 <br />Task-04 <br />Nature and Extent Study: Addendum 2 <br /> <br />DAA proposes to prepare a second addendum to the previously submitted Nature and Extent Study, <br />based upon the additional data derived from the two new delineation monitoring wells (MW-21D2, MW- <br />301). <br /> <br />OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITIES. Owner shall provide access to DAA personnel to enter the landfill during <br />normal operating hours, or on other days or times as mutually agreed, in order to provide the field <br />services associated with the tasks outlined above. <br /> Ꚛ Ꚛ Ꚛ <br /> <br /> <br />COMPENSATION. DAA shall be compensated for performing the above Services as follows. <br /> Task Fee Fee structure 01 regulatory compliance $5,250 time & materials 02 GW sampling event 58 $12,460 lump sum 03 GW sampling event 59 $19,200 lump sum 04 NES Addendum 2 $4,500 lump sum <br />TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED FEE: $41,410 Ꚛ Ꚛ Ꚛ <br />In order to authorize initiation of the proposed work, please sign and date this proposal, and return a <br />copy to our office. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail <br />( or telephone (804.799.7663). <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> cc: Mr. Thomas Laughlin (DAA - Environmental Services Division) Mr. Leonard Ford, Jr. (DAA - Environmental Services Division) Mr. Steve Gandy (DAA - Waste Resource Engineering) <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 21390D41-F8A1-49C4-9611-9D1427191899