Mr. Bruce Woody
<br />September 14, 2022 Page 3
<br />Task-03
<br />Groundwater Sampling Event 59 (Event 2023 S1)
<br />
<br />DAA proposes to conduct groundwater sampling event 59 at the Orange County Regional Landfill –
<br />North Facility during May 2023.
<br />
<br />DAA shall coordinate field and laboratory services, obtain groundwater samples, review sampling
<br />documentation received from groundwater sampling personnel, chemically analyze groundwater samples
<br />(ENCO), validate analytical data provided by the contracted laboratory, update historical summary tables,
<br />and prepare a report suitable for direct submission to NC-DEQ.
<br /> During the subject sampling event, the laboratory will:
<br /> analyze samples obtained from three monitoring wells associated with the sanitary landfill
<br />(6801-MW6R, 6801-MW7R, 6801-MW17), or the constituents listed in 40 CFR Part 258
<br />Appendix I (15A NCAC 13B .1600), plus those constituents listed in Appendix II that have been
<br />previously and reliably detected at this facility (mercury, naphthalene, sulfide)
<br /> analyze samples obtained from nine monitoring wells associated with the sanitary landfill
<br />(6801-MW4, 6801-MW14A, 6801-MW14B, 6801-MW15, 6801-MW16, 6801-MW20, 6801-
<br />MW21S, 6801-MW21D, 6801-MW22), for the constituents listed in 40 CFR Part 258 Appendix II
<br />(15A NCAC 13B.1600)
<br /> analyze samples obtained from four “nature and extent” monitoring wells (6801-MW21D2,
<br />6801-MW23, 6801-MW24, 6801-MW301), for the constituents listed in 40 CFR Part 258
<br />Appendix I (15A NCAC 13B .1600), plus those constituents listed in Appendix II that have been previously and reliably detected at this facility (mercury, naphthalene, sulfide)
<br /> analyze samples obtained from four wells (6801-MW21S, 6801-MW21D, 6801-MW23, 6801-MW24) for chloride, carbon dioxide, manganese, potassium
<br /> analyze samples obtained from nine monitoring wells (6801-MW04, 6801-MW110S, 6801-MW110D, 6801-MW21S, 6801-MW21D, 6801-MW21D2, 6801-MW23, 6801-MW24, 6801-MW301) for hexavalent chromium
<br /> analyze samples of surface water obtained from two locations along Old Field Creek, for the constituents listed in 40 CFR Part 258 Appendix II (15A NCAC 13B .1600)
<br /> analyze additional samples obtained from well MW-04 for constituents required by regulations
<br />for monitoring of C&D landfills (manganese, iron, chloride, sulfate, total dissolved solids,
<br />alkalinity)
<br /> analyze additional samples obtained from well MW-04 for quality control parameters
<br /> analyze one trip blank for quality control parameters
<br />
<br />DAA will prepare a digital version (Adobe Acrobat or functional equivalent) of the report and provide it to
<br />OCSWM and to NC- DEQ.
<br />
<br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 21390D41-F8A1-49C4-9611-9D1427191899