Orange County NC Website
Mr. Bruce Woody <br />September 14, 2022 <br />Page 3 <br /> analyze additional samples obtained from well 6801-MW110S for constituents required by <br />regulations for monitoring of C&D landfills (manganese, iron, mercury, chloride, sulfate, <br />tetrahydrofuran, total dissolved solids, alkalinity) <br /> analyze samples obtained from well 6801-MW110D for total arsenic <br /> analyze additional samples obtained from well 6801-MW110S for quality control parameters <br /> analyze one trip blank for quality control parameters In addition to the above tasks, DAA plans to coordinate with field personnel to obtain leachate samples from the South Facility, and chemically analyze the samples for the constituents listed in Appendix I, plus BOD, COD, manganese, mercury, nitrate, sulfate, and phosphate. <br /> DAA also plans to coordinate with field personnel to obtain groundwater samples from one residential well (Ms. Nunn, 1621 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516; identified as N1) for analysis of the constituents listed in 40 CFR Part 258 (15A NCAC 13B .1600) Appendix I. DAA will prepare a digital version (Adobe Acrobat or functional equivalent) of the report and provide it to OCSWM and to NC- DEQ. OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITIES. Owner shall provide access to DAA personnel to enter the landfill during <br />normal operating hours, or on other days or times as mutually agreed, in order to provide the field services <br />associated with the tasks outlined above. <br /> <br />Ꚛ Ꚛ Ꚛ <br />COMPENSATION. DAA shall be compensated for performing the above Services as follows. <br /> <br />Task Fee Fee structure <br />01 regulatory compliance $3,850 time & materials <br />02 GW sampling event 57 $9,700 lump sum <br />03 GW sampling event 58 $9,200 lump sum <br />04 stormwater analytical $2,070 time & materials <br />TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED FEE: $24,820 <br /> Ꚛ Ꚛ Ꚛ <br /> <br /> <br />In order to authorize initiation of the proposed work, please sign and date this proposal, and return a copy to our office. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail ( or telephone (804.799.7663). <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 21390D41-F8A1-49C4-9611-9D1427191899