Orange County NC Website
1030 Wilmer Avenue, Suite 100 <br />Richmond, Virginia <br />23227 <br /> <br />TO: Mr. Bruce Woody Orange County Solid Waste Management <br />FROM: Deborah A. Coakley <br /> Environmental Services Division <br />DATE: 09-14-22 SUBJECT: Groundwater Monitoring Program (FY 2022-2023) OCSWM Active C&D Landfill: DAA Project No. pending <br />Draper Aden Associates (DAA; a TRC company) proposes to provide professional environmental services <br />to Orange County Solid Waste Management (OCSWM) pertaining to the groundwater monitoring and <br />corrective action program at the active C&D Landfill, in accordance with an existing Services Agreement <br />between OCSWM and DAA. <br /> <br />The subject proposal is intended to encompass services that will be provided during the 12-month period <br />between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023 (FY 2022-2023). <br /> <br />This proposal is restricted to services to be provided for the active C&D Landfill. Specific tasks to be <br />performed during the service period are detailed as follows. Task-01 Environmental Compliance DAA proposes to respond to unanticipated issues concerning environmental regulatory compliance that may arise at the active C&D Landfill during the prescribed service period. DAA will prepare one printed copy of any correspondence that may arise in connection with this task, which will be delivered to OCSWM. DAA will also prepare a digital version (Adobe Acrobat or functional <br />equivalent) of each correspondence and provide it to OCSWM and to NC-DEQ. <br /> <br />Task-02 <br />Groundwater Sampling Event 35 (Event 2022 S2) <br /> <br /> <br />DAA proposes to conduct groundwater sampling event 35 at the Orange County Regional Landfill – Active <br />C&D Landfill during November 2022. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 21390D41-F8A1-49C4-9611-9D1427191899