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34 <br /> 1 Commissioner McKee said that is why he loves the way that the group did this process <br /> 2 so far and that he feels that is the only way to go about it. <br /> 3 Commissioner Hamilton said they would have to look outside the box, including going to <br /> 4 the state legislature and asking for help. She said that it cannot be local funding only. She said <br /> 5 that they want to solve it with all the resources they can get. <br /> 6 Chair Will Atherton asked about consideration for schools that are historically significant. <br /> 7 He suggested that the districts and the Board have discussion about that and to involve the <br /> 8 community. <br /> 9 Commissioner Hamilton said she wanted a consultant to bring back what they see, but <br /> 10 the recommendations should be brought back to the community for their input. <br /> 11 Chair Deon Temne agreed that a timeline would be very important. <br /> 12 Carrie Doyle said she appreciated being part of the work group. She said they didn't get <br /> 13 to weave in the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (SAPFO) updates yet but there is <br /> 14 a need to bring that in because there is an urgency in how population is growing and the need <br /> 15 that is creating for schools. She said this seems like a realistic and practical approach for both <br /> 16 school districts. <br /> 17 Jillian LaSerna said the conversation after receipt of the consultant's report is very <br /> 18 important. She said it would be an important part of process, and they should examine the <br /> 19 importance of historical preservation versus required renovations and updates to the schools. <br /> 20 She said that might push the timeline out even further but it is important to have the <br /> 21 discussions. <br /> 22 Anne Purcell said that older buildings have character and that she would want to keep <br /> 23 buildings if possible. She said it is important to keep the community involved because the <br /> 24 buildings mean something to the community and many people have gone to school in them. <br /> 25 She thanked the work group for their efforts and said this is an ongoing need that should be <br /> 26 looked at to make sure it is maintained overtime. <br /> 27 Michael Sharp said that a classroom teacher in a fully funded, fully supported <br /> 28 environment can do wonders. He said they can support the kids and achieve tremendous <br /> 29 growth. He said that he does not support a model that relies on outside help that does not <br /> 30 involve the teacher. He said this model goes against what he does. He said that he hopes that <br /> 31 the Commissioners will not discount a model that the school board brings to them because it <br /> 32 has a lack of tutors, because there may be other models that work just as well. <br /> 33 Commissioner McKee said he meant no disrespect to the teachers, but his son needed <br /> 34 outside assistance due to his learning disability. He said that he hired outside tutors, but he <br /> 35 does not think everyone has the ability to afford private tutors and he believes that all should <br /> 36 have access to tutors and that should be supported by the taxpayers. <br /> 37 Andre Richmond said he was happy to be at the meeting. He was especially interested <br /> 38 in the school safety and school capital needs discussions. He said he looked forward to future <br /> 39 collaboration. He said that he wants to work on a model that maintains safe and updated <br /> 40 schools. <br /> 41 Commissioner Greene said that she supports the direction that this conversation is <br /> 42 going. <br /> 43 Commissioner Fowler said that the county doesn't really know what the schools need <br /> 44 until after the county's budget is set so it is not based on an actual need but an assumption. <br /> 45 She said that amendments were submitted but those were not passed because it feels like a <br /> 46 change. She said she suggests changing the process and that the schools could provide their <br /> 47 budget earlier. <br /> 48 Chair Price said the budget is based on many other departments they have to fund and <br /> 49 the County Manager realizes what the needs of the schools are but those have to be balanced <br /> 50 against all of them. <br />