Orange County NC Website
33 <br /> 1 Al Ciarochi said there have been two facility assessments conducted and there are 11 <br /> 2 schools that were built before 1996. He said they have been following those schools to see if <br /> 3 they are declining at a different rate than the newer schools. He said that he is also a fan of the <br /> 4 recommendations because they include an architectural consultant to look at it in a different <br /> 5 way. He said that given the needs, it is not a simple fix. He said they would like to have an <br /> 6 impact on as many schools as possible. <br /> 7 Commissioner Fowler asked if the new person would use some of these plans to make it <br /> 8 more efficient. <br /> 9 Al Ciarochi said they would want the consultant to review the schools without influence <br /> 10 from the schools' assessment. <br /> 11 Commissioner Richards said that she agrees that it needs a county-wide approach for <br /> 12 managing the facilities of the districts. <br /> 13 Commissioner Hamilton said that in the RFQ it should be clear that it is a county-wide <br /> 14 approach because it is so much money. She said they could look across the county and find <br /> 15 efficiencies. She said that she recommended one project manager who covers both school <br /> 16 districts. <br /> 17 Commissioner Bedford thanked the work group for their efforts. She said that they <br /> 18 should be flexible and that $500 million over 10 years is $50 million a year, which is impossible <br /> 19 to fund. She said there is a need to be flexible on the timeline. She said that they don't have to <br /> 20 wait 10 years to find efficiencies though. She said the next steps schedule appears optimistic to <br /> 21 her. She said they shouldn't be disappointed if they need more time and that they need to be <br /> 22 flexible with expectations. She said that she supports hiring a consultant and looks forward to <br /> 23 their assistance. <br /> 24 Commissioner Hamilton said the timeline was developed to keep an eye on the ball and <br /> 25 address things with urgency. She said they are looking to move and not just sit and talk. <br /> 26 Chair Price said she supported the 10-year plan so they have a goal. She said that this <br /> 27 will also help the consultant wrap their head around what they think they can do. She said at <br /> 28 year 5 in the plan, they would want to revisit the plan. She said that it would be a living <br /> 29 document and it is needed to have some idea of where they are going. <br /> 30 Sarah Smylie said this is an opportunity to develop a more sustainable type of approach <br /> 31 to these types of projects in the future to have the type of schools they want. She said she is <br /> 32 curious to what extent that the climate crisis was part of the discussion. She said this is a big <br /> 33 opportunity to mitigate some of the impact that the school facilities have on climate. <br /> 34 Commissioner Hamilton said that will be part of the process and discussion. <br /> 35 Commissioner McKee asked Gary Donaldson about the figures on slide #4. He asked if <br /> 36 going beyond $130,000,000 would impact the 15% depending on when those obligation bonds <br /> 37 are put before the voters. <br /> 38 Gary Donaldson said that the 2015 referendum is a wrap-around structure and as those <br /> 39 are retired, then the county is wrapping around new debt and that is a part of the assumptions. <br /> 40 Commissioner McKee said that as the Board gets further into the discussion, it would be <br /> 41 beneficial to have the debt service metrics project further out. He said the last Board held the <br /> 42 line on using bond funds for schools only. He said that lot of old buildings are coming to the end <br /> 43 of their life at the same time. He said that he would like to see metrics that show a situation <br /> 44 where they are addressing the needs on a continuing basis going forward. He said that he <br /> 45 wants to try to avoid being at a place where they have to spend a billion dollars to renovate and <br /> 46 build new schools in the future. He said that he would like to get on a regular process for <br /> 47 moving forward, and that might look like upgrading schools at 25-30 years and replacing them <br /> 48 at 50 years. He said that he wants to keep it affordable and keep facilities up to standards. <br /> 49 Gary Donaldson said that the debt model has that functionality. <br /> 50 Commissioner Hamilton said that a consultant would integrate that model. <br />