Orange County NC Website
30 <br /> 1 Slide #5 <br /> Recommendation 1 <br /> Hire a consultant to evaluate the county's approach to school capital <br /> planning,design,contracting,and Fnancing including, <br /> - Examine the planning, desvgnibuild,and maintenance process <br /> for bath school distri-ctsand identify areas for improvement, <br /> - W" school districtsto evaluate every school campus and <br /> administrative building and highlight those that should be <br /> urgently replaced or renovated <br /> - Evaluate the county's school capital funding approach <br /> - Identify ways to plan and fund ongoing school maintenance. <br /> - Provide insight about approaches,opportunities,and risks <br /> around emerging practices for contracting and program <br /> management, including projects that could cross campuses and <br /> districts.. <br /> - Recommend haw the county and two schc-ol diStf i0tS can <br /> prioritize projects within a 10 year plan to,addres RANG COUNTY <br /> Sc hool fid c i I ity needs i n a tra nsparent way. MD RTI[CIROLLNA <br /> 2 <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Slide #6 <br /> Recommendation <br /> . Research alternative funding sources farsschoalcapital <br /> improvements: <br /> Revisit county capital plans and financing to identify potential <br /> funding sources for school capital <br /> - Work with state and federal legislators and the public to <br /> advocate$er Bands for scheel capital <br /> ORANGE BOUNTY <br /> NORTJ L CAROLLM A <br /> 5 <br /> 6 <br /> 7 <br /> 8 <br />