Orange County NC Website
28 <br /> 1 Slide #1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Joint Meeting <br /> i7DMbar2ri%an garwarn C`nap®O ItljM arrooro Cxy SrMeWs Carp Caan.TSrnoats aria OrarW roamp <br /> September 29, 2022 <br /> 2 <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Slide #2 <br /> Background <br /> Capital Needs Work.Group estaWi5hed in Autumn 2421 throuo a petition by <br /> Commisaionar,lean Hamilton. <br /> F54titn011 Mquested that the work group address the caplial creeds of the two school <br /> districts.Orange County Schools(OCS)aril Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br /> (CHCCS) particularly th-e oWer schools. <br /> F IvVlemerrl an actlomable plan over 14 years that would dedicate(unds and a prvc+ess <br /> to address the needs. <br /> f 32 K-12 WKKA campuses opeā€¢raled by both scNDW districts serving approximately <br /> 20,E students and 2,500 empbyees, <br /> More than 5 of the sc=hool campuses are over 64 yeens old, whkh coLdd cost up to <br /> 5540 million due to mcreases In ccntsiructicn co,sis&]rice our la,-611.coslprOffiction. <br /> Chapel Hili-Carirbory City Schools. <br /> Uunly riarange ORANGE <br /> Schools hOWn r CAROLINA <br /> 5 <br /> 6 <br />