Orange County NC Website
27 <br /> 1 prison. She said another project is the sidewalk on Orange Grove Road and Grady Brown <br /> 2 Road. She said that will require three additional school crossing guards and they intend to <br /> 3 request additional funding for those. She explained that the role of the school nurse positions <br /> 4 has greatly expanded. She said that the state recommended a school nurse for every 750 <br /> 5 students back in 2014 but that mark was not achieved. She said that going by that metric they <br /> 6 are short two nurses at the high school. She said an accuity model is used now which would <br /> 7 give Orange County a need of 4-5 school nurses. <br /> 8 Sarah Smylie expressed thanks to the Sheriff's Office for their partnership with Orange <br /> 9 County Schools. <br /> 10 Commissioner McKee asked if the schools have supplies for potential opioid overdoses. <br /> 11 Dr. Felder said narcan is in every school. <br /> 12 Deon Temne said they have to focus on situational awareness when reviewing their <br /> 13 safety measures. He said that there are occasional security issues with parks and recreation <br /> 14 and school hours. He said they have great relationships with the police chiefs in Carrboro and <br /> 15 Chapel Hill. <br /> 16 Dr. Hamlett said they continue to focus on mental health and their social emotional <br /> 17 learning support. She said they do have vacancies that remain in that area. She said they are <br /> 18 trying to be proactive to what the students are bringing into the school environment from their <br /> 19 home environment. She said they have three school nurse vacancies. She said they struggle to <br /> 20 retain the positions. She said they are trying to be creative and recruit qualified applicants. <br /> 21 Al Ciarochi, Director of Operations for Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools, said they have <br /> 22 amazingly stong relationship with Chief Atack and Chief Blue with Carrboro and Chapel Hill, <br /> 23 respectively. He said that taking a combined approach, physical safety is a two-pronged <br /> 24 process keeping students and patrons are safe. He said that their safety improvements include <br /> 25 access to entrances and they are making sure there is consistency between schools. He said <br /> 26 that staff physically walked all schools and did a safety assessment. He said they are making <br /> 27 sure all radios work within schools. He said that they use standard language or plainspeak that <br /> 28 is consistent each year. <br /> 29 Chair Price said that the Board would meet on October 3 to discuss an ordinance <br /> 30 regarding protesting at the schools. She invited the school board members to attend since the <br /> 31 request is about their domain. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 <br /> 34 3. School Capital Needs Work Group Report— Chair Renee Price, BOCC <br /> 35 a. General perceptions, consultant discussion <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Chair Price introduced the item and asked Commissioner Hamilton to present the report <br /> 38 from the School Capital Needs Work Group. <br /> 39 Commissioner Hamilton introduced the item and thanked the members of the School <br /> 40 Capital Needs Work Group. She made the following presentation: <br /> 41 <br /> 42 <br />