Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> 1 Deon Temne said for a continuation budget, the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools have <br /> 2 not been funded appropriately by the Commissioners so he thinks that starving is an appropriate <br /> 3 word. <br /> 4 Commissioner McKee said that appropriately is looked at differently by different <br /> 5 individuals and he must disagree. He wants to understand how they are addressing student <br /> 6 needs and achievement. He asked if TAs and tutors were added to the staff. He also asked if <br /> 7 the focus was on the classroom. <br /> 8 Deon Temne asked where that funding would come from for the additional tutors and <br /> 9 TAs. <br /> 10 Commissioner McKee said that the funding could have come from the fund balance that <br /> 11 staff had an increase of pay from. He said he realizes there is a balancing act but he wants to <br /> 12 make sure that the focus is on lower-performing students. He said that the presentations on <br /> 13 student achievement did not include a focus on lower-performing students. He said that he has <br /> 14 been willing to accommodate the needs of the schools but he is uncomfortable hearing that <br /> 15 Orange County is not doing all that it can, when the two school districts are #1 and #3 in funded <br /> 16 for the state. He said that maybe he is not understanding something, but he can't get by the fact <br /> 17 that they are well supported financially in relation to the other systems in the state. <br /> 18 Deon Temne said that respectfully, it is like the definition of empathy. He said that <br /> 19 people say that you have to walk in someone else's shoes to experience their life but that he <br /> 20 disagrees with that because it is impossible to walk in someone else's shoes. He said that he <br /> 21 does not think the Commissioners will ever truly understand. He said that when the district is <br /> 22 coming to them and saying it's not enough funding, but is met with comments that "it looks like it <br /> 23 is enough," shows the Commissioners do not understand and that the district is not being fully <br /> 24 supported. He said they are saying its not enough, showing the numbers, and then they hear <br /> 25 that the county has their backs, but he is uncomfortable with the word backstop because it is not <br /> 26 shown in actions. <br /> 27 Commissioner McKee said he would not continue the conversation because it will <br /> 28 become circular, but that he disagrees. <br /> 29 Riza Jenkins said that because the continuation budget was not funded they had to <br /> 30 cover those costs themselves. She said that the question about TAs, those are classified staff <br /> 31 positions, and that as a district they did a classified staff study. She said that state raises are for <br /> 32 certified staff and must be funded. She said that when they brought the expansion budget <br /> 33 request to the Commissioners it was not funded and that would have included the classified <br /> 34 staff, including teaching assistants and bus drivers. She said that is why they were so <br /> 35 committed as a Board to fund the classified staff because right now they are struggling to hire <br /> 36 teachers. She said it is not just a Chapel Hill and Orange County schools challenge it is a <br /> 37 national challenge. She said that yes they are the highest funded in the state, but not in the <br /> 38 country and they are competing for educators from across the country. She said that is where <br /> 39 they have to think and act differently because they must fund those positions. <br /> 40 Commissioner Richards said that this is an interesting conversation because the <br /> 41 Commissioners encouraged the district to spend down their fund balance. She said that when <br /> 42 they set a number they were saying that they had funds in excess of the fund balance target. <br /> 43 She said a need was identified, so the county asked them to spend the excess down. She said <br /> 44 they were the backstop in the sense that they had a budget and they set a number on what the <br /> 45 fund balance should be. She said there were competing needs and priorities. She supported it <br /> 46 because they were saying spend it to the 5%. She said that they may need to work together to <br /> 47 find where the funds come from. She said that she is struggling with the characterization of the <br /> 48 county because they are there in the interest of working together. She said that discussing the <br /> 49 fund balance percentage may need to be a different conversation. <br /> 50 Dr. George Griffin said the May 12th joint meeting had an item with a table that showed <br /> 51 county appropriations and supplemental taxes for education. He said that Chapel Hill Carrboro <br />