Agenda - 11-01-2022; 5-c - 2022 Orange County Transit Plan Update – Public Hearing
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Agenda - 11-01-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda - 11-01-2022; 5-c - 2022 Orange County Transit Plan Update – Public Hearing
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10/27/2022 3:04:07 PM
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10/27/2022 2:48:07 PM
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Agenda for November 1, 2022 BOCC Meeting
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EQ transit equity. 11 <br /> The concept of "riding with dignity" remained a major organizing element of the <br /> Civil Rights Movement and major movement leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. scenario. <br /> "made the case that transit systems did not do enough to help poor people access <br /> opportunities for gainful, meaningful employment, leading him to conclude that Imagine " bus in which all the seats <br /> urban transit systems were 'a genuine civil rights issue;"an insight that has taken are spaced equally apart—equality <br /> on new relevance in recent years. exists. Or ..- There is the <br /> me leg room distance between <br /> For these reasons and more, equity is woven throughout the "o rows of seats and each <br /> EQUITYOrange County Transit Plan Update as a unifying theme.The Plan is spaced equally apart from _ <br /> 1110INVIM110 Update prioritizes projects that improve equitable outcomes and other. <br /> actively works to mitigate historical inequities related to transit equality _ <br /> ness. But <br /> and transportation. The Plan Update also seeks to cultivate what about the initial determination <br /> " <br /> • • a shared language for discussing issues of equity and builds f what is _ _ <br /> g room or <br /> BUS STcapacity by describing less obvious connections between transit �_ _ _ <br /> • ' en seats? If <br /> planning and equity.The blue "Equity Connection"signs identify ual" �" <br /> the opportunity to learn more about transit equity. ' decision '' ' person <br /> • and weighs only 1 <br /> "While some aspects of transit inequality have improved-Blacks and other pounds, person how omfortable is such <br /> _ <br /> non-whites are no longer relegated to the back of the bus-in other respects seating for a <br /> et <br /> there are still significant barriers to the formation of transit policies and <br /> tall and weighs 250 pounds? The <br /> practices that will affirm that...transit is a fundamental public good that we myth of equality - people <br /> needs,have exactly same <br /> all benefit from regardless of age, race, or class." _ <br /> - Dr. Irma McClaurin the same access, and the same <br /> chances for equal outcome. <br /> somewhere • • the way, one <br /> Equality <br /> - <br /> Equality and Equity: What's the person or group . - . decision <br /> difference? in theirown favor(privileging <br /> Two words are used in the policy and planning arenas that are often confused or impactsit everyone. benefits <br /> used interchangeably - equality and equity. These words are not the some and - decision ' does not <br /> care should be taken when using either.Equality is simply the state of being"equal" equallybenefitothers who <br /> were <br /> (in number, value, rank, etc.) and most people equate equality with "fairness" not involved in the •" • <br /> and "sameness" The (often unfounded) idea that people can be treated exactly process. Hist• •• many <br /> the some and experience similar outcomes is often what drives debates about voices have been - out of - • <br /> whether equity is needed. transportation planning resulting <br /> unequalin highly processes an• <br /> The Concept of Equality decision makin• <br /> Sameness in the form of equality is considered fundamental to the democratic <br /> principles of the United States as embedded in the second paragraph of the United <br /> States' Declaration of Independence.An implied, innate state of sameness among "We hold these truths to <br /> all people has been made an arguing point by those who prescribe to a more be self-evident, that all <br /> individualistic worldview. Attempts to address inequality may be countered with <br /> arguments about the "fairness"of our efforts. men are Created equal, <br /> But equality is only achieved when every unique need is addressed and people that they are endowed <br /> with differing needs are included in the decision-making process, not as cosigners by their Creator with <br /> but as co-creators, resulting in the equal outcomes, despite different starting certain unalienable <br /> points. A slightly different way of thinking about this is that true equality can only <br /> be achieved with genuine equity. Rights, that among <br /> these are Life, Liberty <br /> The Concept of Equity <br /> Equity is one of those words that seems to trigger emotions from some who believe and the pursuit of <br /> that somehow their rights are being infringed upon. Many people prefer to see Happiness." <br />
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