Orange County NC Website
Orange County + Freshspire Statement of Work <br />Goal: Introduce new farmers to new markets through technology and services <br />Freshspire will complete the following: <br />●Create freshspire accounts for all suppliers involved <br />●Offer technical and customer support to all suppliers onboarded <br />●Understand the needs and capabilities of the supplier involved <br />●Track and report supplier usage on Freshspire <br />●Generate a marketing campaign that best suits the needs of the farmers <br />●Track activity on marketing campaign <br />●Generate a data report every 3 months including, if applicable, <br />○usage and marketing metrics <br />○area-based data <br />■High-level data on what is currently being produced in the area <br />■Potential market opportunities for growers <br />■Suggestions on how markets and/or growers can expand and maintain <br />their markets <br />■Any relevant/helpful observations that occur throughout the pilot <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A8270EFE-5308-46AB-B2AB-B6DD8718DE1B