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housing units in the County that have benefited from the HUD Section 202 Program; the Low <br />Income Housing Tax Credit Program; the Fanners HOME 515 Program; the HUD Section 236 <br />Loan Management Program; the Section 8 New Construction Program; and the HUD Section 811 <br />Program.. <br />Barriers to Affordable Housing <br />The Consolidated Plan for Orange County identifies the following barriers to affordable housing: <br />High cost of public improvements. In most of southern Orange County, there is virtually no <br />vacant land available that is served by public utilities. In unincorporated Orange County, <br />although land accessible to urban services is available, the cost of extensions is expensive. Also, <br />many existing residences lack adequate plumbing facilities due to the high cost of public utility <br />connections. <br />Lack of adequate transportation. While the public transportation system in the Chapel <br />Hill- Carrboro urban area is comprehensive, access to jobs and facilities outside the urban area are <br />limited by a lack of transportation. Many of the people who work in Orange County live in <br />neighboring counties, partly by choice and partly as a result of an inability to find affordable <br />housing in the County. <br />High cost of'rental housing. The rental housing market, particularly in Southern Orange County <br />continues to be inflated by the university students. <br />High cost of homeownership. The average new detached home in Orange County sold for nearly <br />$247,661 in 1999. That is approximately $100,000 more than what a family of four at 100 <br />percent of median income could afford. <br />Fair Housing <br />Analysis of Impediments /Action Plan <br />Impediments: <br />The Sale or Rental of Housing <br />Public Policies <br />Administrative Policies <br />Residential Segregation <br />Fair Housing Education <br />Based on the analysis, the following recommendations are offered to pronnote fair housing within <br />the] risdiction. <br />Providing one -on -one consultation to landlords to encourage participation in the Section 8 <br />Housing Assistance Program. <br />