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20 <br /> they have to try something different, because what they are doing isn't getting where they need <br /> to be. She said when you think about the complexity of different pieces, and the willingness to <br /> talk, then the report reflects conversations from the work group. She said it could lead to other <br /> efficiencies. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she read all of the report and appreciated all of the <br /> information. She said she does not see taxpayers supporting a merger of facilities. She said <br /> that she supports having a consultant. She said that consultants could help prioritize and show <br /> different options for replacement and renovation. She said that she would also like the <br /> consultant to review other ways to finance the needs. She said that for swing space as schools <br /> are replaced, some schools are able to absorb more students if the school system has the <br /> willingness to make the decision. She said that she is concerned about SAPFO, and the school <br /> boards have different facility needs based on students. She said they can also talk about <br /> construction standards. She said it will be helpful to know when a building is just obsolete and <br /> there is no return on investment. She said the group should leave SAPFO alone because the <br /> town's attorneys are ready to abandon it. She said they should also look at what land banking <br /> looks like. <br /> Commissioner Richards said the report came out in the previous week, and both school <br /> districts lost students. She said that the county has the second and third highest resourced <br /> districts in the state. She said that there are a lot of administrative staff in both districts, and <br /> she did not understand why the staff could not figure out what the needs are. She said that she <br /> would like to see a tight work plan and a cap on the amount that will be spent. <br /> Commissioner Greene said looking at recommendations, she wonders about a <br /> consultant that can navigate having two school systems. She said that it seems like a <br /> challenge, but not an insurmountable challenge. She said that a consultant can be a neutral <br /> third party. She said that the county should be able to produce a strategy. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said that the school systems have high operating resources, <br /> but not for capital. She said this is an opportunity. She said that having fewer students might <br /> be good timing so the county can focus on renovating. She response to Commissioner <br /> Greene's comments, she said that the county has no policies on renovating buildings. She said <br /> they can put in policies that say how much the county will spend on building a school. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said some groundwork has already been done on this by Chapel <br /> Hill Carrboro City Schools. She said the conditions have changed due to fewer students. She <br /> said that a consultant can evaluate the existing plans and reprioritize. She said that providing <br /> school facilities is an obligation of the county. She said that the need is high, and a priority list <br /> would help the county. <br /> Chair Price said that there are limits to what a consultant can do coming into a county <br /> like Orange. She said that the school systems want to work together, but also remain <br /> independent. She said that the consultant can help find efficiencies and economies of scale. <br /> She said that they will need to look at a bond referendum in a few years, and the school <br /> districts will have to come together on that. She said that she would like to see a scope of work <br /> on what the consultant will do. She said that a third party will look at it differently than the <br /> Board. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said that if there is enough funding then they could use joint <br /> ordering for supplies and the architect was clear that you need to build for quality. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said the work group would help develop the scope of work for <br /> the consultant, along with the information that comes out of the joint work session later in the <br /> month. <br /> Chair Price thanked Commissioner Hamilton for her leadership on the group and for <br /> getting this along this far. She said this item is to be continued for discussion. <br />