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l0 <br /> 1 The second issue was the effect of this ordinance on affordable housing. He said that this <br /> 2 ordinance is not fashioned to resolve affordable housing issues. He made reference to a memo from <br /> 3 County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill that said that affordable housing will be encouraged on its merits via <br /> 4 other programs that exist in the County and that the impacts of affordable housing projects related to the <br /> 5 total amount of housing will have minimal impact. He noted that there is a general understanding that - <br /> 6 affordable housing will be handled by other policies of the county through the Affordable Housing Task <br /> 7 Force. A Schools APFO can balance CIP expenditures and allow more distribution to affordable housing <br /> 8 initiatives. <br /> 9 <br /> o b. Memorandum of Understanding <br /> 1 Craig Benedict said that some alternatives have been provided from the original process <br /> 2 with regard to updating the Schools APFO each year. Three alternatives were presented which identified <br /> 3 who could recommend and make changes to the annual updates/variables of the Schools APFO formula. <br /> 4 He said that there was a joint report of the BOCC and the school district through the School Facilities <br /> 5 Task Force that recommended a certain membership period that could also be used for the Schools <br /> 6 APFO. He noted that the original structure of the formula would be static with all the variables annually <br /> 7 updated. In the previous version any changing of the formula and its components would have to go back <br /> 8 to all the local governments and could be a long-term project. He said that the workgroup decided that <br /> 9 the alternate 1 first version would be the most workable option because it keeps the formula intact and <br /> o keeps any adjustments to the variables very technical. <br /> 1 Mike Brough clarified the comments made by Craig Benedict and said that the workgroup <br /> 2 was actually recommending the draft which is the first version but not noted as alternate 1. There was a <br /> 3 draft, alternate 1, and alternate 2. <br /> 4 Chair Gordon said that the Board of County Commissioners would prefer alternate 1 <br /> 5 because they have been responsible for deciding on the projections up to now. <br /> 6 Diana McDuffee made reference to item 'c' on page two and the methodology for <br /> 7 determining the projected growth rate for student membership and asked if there would be consensus <br /> .8 among all the parties as to the methodology. <br /> .9 Mike Brough said that agreement on the items in item 'c'were prerequisites to the <br /> o adoption of the ordinance. <br /> 1 Discussion ensued about the possibility of exempting certain types of housing from the <br /> 2 ordinance. <br /> 3 Allen Spalt pointed out that reviewing the documents by August 15th was an awkward time <br /> .4 because most of the towns are on vacation and are not able to meet. <br /> .5 Craig Benedict explained the methodology for the student projection rate. <br /> ,6 Chair Gordon said that her interpretation of item 'c'was that all.parties would agree on the <br /> ,7 four items before the Schools APFO was approved. She said that the Board of County Commissioners <br /> 18 has not spent a considerable amount of time on the projected growth rate methodology. <br /> ;9 Edith Wiggins asked if the recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners would <br /> �0 be based on the County staff recommendation or could the recommendation come from this staff <br /> G1 committee that included representation from each jurisdiction. The council decided that a <br /> G2 recommendation could come from the staff committee since each jurisdiction is represented. <br /> 43 John Link said that we should not be rushing this process, and hurrying to do something <br /> E4 for the next year's CIP because that just cannot happen. He said that there should be plenty of time for <br /> 15 the staff to work through this. Craig Benedict agreed. <br /> 16 Discussion ensued about the date of the yearly meeting of the staff committee as <br /> 47 specified in item 'd' on page two of the MOU. <br /> t8 Bill Mullin clarified that the membership numbers have to be in by the 20th day of school. <br /> E9 Chair Gordon would like to stick with November 15th as the date for the yearly reporting. <br /> >o Roger Waldon made reference to Section 3a and explained the reasoning behind the date <br /> ;1 of November 15tH <br />