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Staff Support <br />Cooperative Extension Director (and staff), Environment and Resource Conservation <br />Director (and staff), District Conservationist (and staff), Economic Development Director <br />(and staff), Farm Services Agency Director. <br />Guiding Principles <br />The Work Group should use the following guiding principles in its discussion and <br />deliberations: <br />1. The intent of this process is to generate a "fresh" look at the concept of an <br />Agricultural Center and the needs and uses of same in the years to come. Previous <br />reports and efforts may be useful as background but should not keep the Work <br />Group from exploring new ideas and concepts for appropriate uses of an <br />Agricultural Center in the year 2004 and beyond <br />2. Discussion of the potential uses of an Agricultural Center should include (but not <br />be limited to): demonstration and meeting space, a potential value-added <br />processing center (County or regional), office space for farm-related agencies, <br />demonstration farm plots and community farm fields, new and innovative <br />agricultural concepts such as Farm Land-Link opportunities and Community- <br />Supported Agriculture (CSA), and an Agricultural Heritage Museum. <br />3. The Work Group process should use broad public outreach efforts to engage all <br />citizens interested in this topic and ensure that all interests and stakeholders have <br />the opportunity to be heard <br />4. The Work Group report should assess needs and potential uses of a Center, as <br />well as identify potential outside funding sources for such a building. <br />5. The Work Group report should focus on uses and needs for a Center, and need not <br />specify a specific location for a proposed center. <br />6. The Work Group should be aware of land use and environmental standards in <br />considering the potential of uses for the Center.