Orange County NC Website
How do you promote <br />and publicize the <br />work of your <br />organization? <br />In addition to our website, we adv ertise our programs and <br />performances using Facebook, Instagram, PeachJar, NextDoor, and <br />the OCAC calendar of ev ents. This past year with starter funding <br />through a Strowd Roses grant, we hired a social media staff person <br />who is committed to making sure SV has an activ e presence on <br />these platforms. W e also hav e a promotional v ideo that contains <br />testimonials from SV singers, alumnae, parents and the Artistic <br />Director, that liv es on our website and is sent out to folks who wish to <br />learn more about the SV mission and organization. Our seasonal e- <br />newsletters are a v ehicle with which we engage in the community and <br />with our donors both past and present. <br />W e also post signs around Chapel Hill/Carrboro a few times each <br />year and hav e sent letters to area schools' music teachers. W ord-of- <br />mouth among families remains our most effectiv e means of <br />attracting new singers. W e realize that limits us regarding attracting a <br />div erse group of participants, therefore, a board project that we are <br />currently undertaking as we recruit for coming years is being <br />intentional to use "planned word of mouth." How do we describe SV? <br />How can we help the singers and their parents/guardians express the <br />mission and goals of SV to folks who are interested in learning more? <br />How do we promote SV through our established network of other <br />music directors, choruses, and children's organizations? <br />W e also believ e that hav ing div ersity on our board and with our <br />college age interns helps SV welcome and retain families and singers <br />with div erse backgrounds as we continue to striv e to be more <br />accessible and inclusiv e. <br />Please describe <br />efforts by your <br />organization to <br />generate revenue. <br />Rev enue for Sisters' Voices is generated primarily through <br />membership fees for the choral groups and summer camps. W e also <br />receiv e donations at our winter and spring concerts, and we hav e a <br />small number of donors who giv e monthly through our Sostenuto <br />program. This past year we also receiv ed generous support from the <br />community through the Giv ing Tuesday campaign. <br />Part of our new and dev eloping business plan is learning how to <br />engage with corporate donors. <br />Resumes of artists/administrators <br />Résumé_Leandra_Merea_Strope_2002.pdf <br />Sisters_Voices_Managing_Director_Resume_-_Jenny_W alters.pdf <br />Board of Directors List <br />SV_board_of_directors_62022.pdf <br />IRS Tax Exemption <br />Sisters_Voices_Tax_Exempt_Letter.pdf <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 5BBADE15-7D0F-4B0F-A3D6-FC42C5DF4B54