Orange County NC Website
How will you <br />evaluate whether or <br />not your goals have <br />been met? <br />SV has many ways to observ e and document its impact and efficacy. <br />One of the most obv ious indicators is that our older ensembles are <br />comprised primarily of returning singers. The girls and their parents <br />tell us they are excited to return each year and progress to the older <br />groups. There hav e also been numerous singers who hav e cycled <br />back to SV while in high school or college to v olunteer at camp or <br />help out with a project or ev ent. Many share that their experience in <br />SV helped instill confidence and purpose in their life. In addition, our <br />Artistic Director witnesses the impact of the music skill training as <br />girls learn to decipher and sing more complex music. They learn to <br />take more risks singing songs in parts and singing solos. They learn <br />how to assess their own musical dev elopment and articulate what <br />they hav e learned. They learn how to giv e positiv e and constructiv e <br />feedback to each other. As we'v e expanded the programming, girls <br />are willing to make a bigger time commitment. In order to help the <br />singers recognize and measure their own progress and success, SV <br />dev eloped a bead earning program. W hen the girls join an ensemble, <br />they are giv en a chain and they begin to earn beads based on <br />dev eloping specific skills, participating in projects or meeting specific <br />goals. Girls who continue with SV through the years end up with a <br />beautiful and colorful bead chain that reminds them of their <br />commitment, effort and progress within the program. <br />A recent and positiv e dev elopment is that SV has tapped into a <br />mentorship program called SCORE ( In order to ensure <br />that SV remains a v ibrant and sustainable organization and to foster <br />SV's growth, SV has been working with a v olunteer business mentor <br />through the SCORE program. Our mentor is assisting SV to dev elop <br />a sound business plan. This has potential to be a game changer for <br />our organization. The business plan would giv e us concrete steps to <br />help us grow and to help us acquire our own space. It will prov ide a <br />framework from which to measure our growth and assess if we're <br />achiev ing our goals. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 5BBADE15-7D0F-4B0F-A3D6-FC42C5DF4B54