Orange County NC Website
Request Summary For the coming 2022-23 season, SV will need to rent space once <br />again for regular rehearsals, programming and performances. Prior <br />to the pandemic, SV rented space in churches. For the past two <br />years, SV has operated out of the home of our Artistic Director, first <br />by offering a v irtual program through Zoom for the 2020-21 season, <br />and then in-person rehearsals for the 2021-22 season. Ov er the past <br />two years, our program has expanded from one afternoon per week <br />to fiv e. In the past, the cost of renting space in churches has been <br />about $8,000. Operational support would allow SV to offset these <br />costs as we continue to build our program and grow the size of our <br />ensembles. <br />This coming year we will rent a room at Binkley Church in Chapel Hill <br />for our rehearsals. This will meet our needs this year as we're coming <br />back from the pandemic. W e hope this will be a one-year space for <br />us; we are working to get into position to mov e into a more <br />permanent space that will allow us to grow more in both numbers of <br />singers and programming, and that will giv e us v isibility and stability <br />in the community. <br />Organizational Goals Our current artistic goal is to safely build SV back to a lev el of <br />programming that we had created prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. <br />This means hav ing the capacity to increase the number of singers in <br />the ensembles; offer additional rehearsal time; and return to a regular <br />performance schedule of concerts, festiv als, and outreach. Pre- <br />COVID, SV was regularly performing in the community at ev ents such <br />as Girls on the Run races, Carrboro Music festiv al, Habitat for <br />Humanity activ ities, and other fundraisers. W e foresee activ e <br />engagement again as it becomes safer to sing liv e. <br />W e were excited this spring to be able to sing at Clydefest and at <br />Jan-Ru W an's art opening at the Carrboro ArtCenter. The ev ent with <br />Jan-Ru W an was especially meaningful as her installation, <br />"Unspeakables," represented the silencing/censorship of women's <br />v oices and SV's performance of Sonic Meditations was meant to giv e <br />v oice to and uplift those who cannot speak. It was an amazing <br />opportunity to partner with an indiv idual artist and contribute with our <br />v oices in song. <br />Our top organizational goal is to find or build our own space. Ideally, <br />we aim to hav e our own building with a large rehearsal and <br />performance space, classrooms, office, lounge area and an adjoining <br />multi-purpose outdoor shelter. This building would also be av ailable <br />at times for other groups to rent. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 5BBADE15-7D0F-4B0F-A3D6-FC42C5DF4B54