Orange County NC Website
How will the <br />project/program be <br />publicized and <br />promoted to reach <br />intended <br />participants? <br />Ackland staff will promote Ackland F.A.M. on the Museum website, <br />, in both the general and member email newsletters, and <br />on social media. All public programs are also adv ertised as part of <br />the Ackland’s ov erall exhibition marketing efforts, which include <br />poster distribution throughout the Triangle and postcards (sent v ia <br />mail for Ackland supporters and handed out at community ev ents <br />and the Museum). Furthermore, the Ackland has a pending <br />application with the North Carolina Arts Council for program <br />adv ertising, of which Ackland F.A.M. would be a focus. If the <br />application is successful, it would fund a week-long radio package on <br />W UNC to adv ertise F.A.M., a newsletter sponsorship for IndyW eek <br />coinciding with F.A.M., and digital ads on related to <br />F.A.M. <br />How will you <br />evaluate the success <br />of the program? <br />Ackland staff will ev aluate success by measuring quantitativ e data <br />related to Ackland F.A.M., including how many Family Activ ity Kits <br />and scav enger hunts are picked up each month, how many people <br />attend during the monthly kick-offs, and how many people access <br />online resources related to F.A.M. Ackland program staff will also <br />conduct post-v isit surv eys with participating families for qualitativ e <br />data and feedback. <br />PROJECT/PROGRAM <br />BUDGET <br />Please fill out the charts below with your project's expenses and <br />income. Use the "Explanation" box to offer details for each category. <br />NOTE: The Total Cash Expense must equal the Total Cash Income. <br />Project Expense <br />Expenses-english-rev ised.xlsx <br />Project Income <br />Income-english-rev ised.xlsx <br />Resumes of artists/administrators <br />Allison_Portnow_Lathrop_CV_2021.pdf <br />Board of Directors List <br />Ackland_National_Adv isory_Board.pdf <br />IRS Tax Exemption <br />501c3_Letter.pdf <br />Publicity Samples <br />Publicity_Sample_1_-_Ackland_BigRead_Calendar.pdf <br />Publicity_Sample_2_-_Ackland.pdf <br />Publicity_Sample_3_-_Ackland_MetalArts_Poster.pdf <br />W ork Samples <br />W orkSample_StellaRosalieRosen.png <br />W orkSample_StellaRosalieRosen_2.png <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0D2AFD45-3C8E-43B8-8720-60054E1F7869