Orange County NC Website
Project Director <br />Street Address <br />Ackland Art Museum <br />The Univ ersity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill <br />101 S. Columbia St <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />Project Director <br />Phone <br />(919) 843-3687 <br />Project Director <br />Email <br /> <br />W hat are you <br />requesting funding <br />for? <br />A specific program or project <br />Project/Program <br />Summary <br />The Ackland Art Museum would like to enliv en Ackland F.A.M. <br />(Families at the Museum) program with the addition of quarterly guest <br />artists from the community and a new mobile F.A.M. Cart. <br />Ackland F.A.M. is a month-long program with self-guided and guided <br />family activ ities that relate to the art on v iew at the Ackland, <br />occurring most months of the year at the Museum. Each month’s <br />F.A.M. kicks off with a Sunday afternoon program that includes liv e <br />activ ities in the galleries like story time, art-making, and interactiv e <br />workshops. During this ev ent, families can also explore the Museum <br />using self-guided activ ities like scav enger hunts and Family Activ ity <br />Kits, as well as links to online resources. The self-guided activ ities <br />remain av ailable for families v isiting on their own throughout the <br />month, something that has been v ery popular during COVID, as <br />families seek lower-density ev ents and access to materials that they <br />can use at home. The purpose of Ackland F.A.M. is to make v isits to <br />the Ackland fun and engaging for v isitors with young children (target <br />age: preschool to middle school age kids and their caregiv ers). <br />W ith support of the OCAC Grassroots grant, the Ackland would hire <br />guest community artists for an art-making demo related to four of our <br />Ackland F.A.M.s. W e would also purchase a F.A.M. Cart to hold our <br />themed Family Activ ity Kits, additional themed hand-outs like art <br />scav enger hunts, and gallery safe drawing/writing tools. The Cart <br />would make these materials more v isible and more easily accessible <br />throughout the month following the kick-off ev ents. <br />Project Start Date <br />(no earlier than July <br />1, 2022) <br />September 25, 2022 <br />Project End Date (no <br />later than June 30, <br />2023) <br />June 25, 2023 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0D2AFD45-3C8E-43B8-8720-60054E1F7869