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<br />(Federal Certification-Non-Discrimination, Clean Air, Clean Water) (01/2018)Page 3 of 3 <br />d. The President may exempt any contract, loan, or grant from all or part of the provisions <br />of this section where he determines such exemption is necessary in the paramount interest <br />of the United States and he shall notify the Congress of such exemption. <br />e. The President shall annually report to the Congress on measures taken toward <br />implementing the purpose and intent of this section, including but not limited to the <br />progress and problems associated with implementation of this section. [42 U.S.C. 7606] <br /> <br />V. The Clean Water Act; 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq. (1972) <br />a. No Federal agency may enter into any contract with any person who has been convicted <br />of any offense under Section 309(c) of this Act for the procurement of goods, materials, <br />and services if such contract is to be performed at any facility at which the violation <br />which gave rise to such conviction occurred, and if such facility is owned, leased, or <br />supervised by such person. The prohibition in preceding sentence shall continue until the <br />Administrator certifies that the condition giving rise to such conviction has been <br />corrected. <br />b. The Administrator shall establish procedures to provide all Federal agencies with the <br />notification necessary for the purposes of subsection (a) of this section. <br />c. In order to implement the purposes and policy of this Act to protect and enhance the <br />quality of the Nation’s water, the President shall, not more than 180 days after the <br />enactment of this Act, cause to be issued an order: <br />(i) requiring each Federal agency authorized to enter into contracts and each Federal <br />agency which is empowered to extend Federal assistance by way of grant, loan, or <br />contract to effectuate the purpose and policy of this Act in such contracting or assistance <br />activities, and <br />(ii) setting forth procedures, sanctions, penalties, and such other provisions, as the <br />President determines necessary to carry out such requirement. <br />d. The President may exempt any contract, loan, or grant from all or part of the provisions <br />of this section where he determines such exemption is necessary in the paramount interest <br />of the United States and he shall notify the Congress of such exemption. <br />e. The President shall annually report to the Congress on measures taken in compliance <br />with the purpose and intent of this section, including, but not limited to, the progress and <br />problems associated with such compliance. <br />f. No certification by a contractor, and no contract clause, may be required in the case of a <br />contract for the acquisition of commercial items in order to implement a prohibition or <br />requirement of this section or a prohibition or requirement issued in the implementation <br />of this section. <br />g. In paragraph (1), the term “commercial item” has the meaning given such term in section <br />4(12) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. 403(12)). <br />________________________________ _______________________________ <br />Signature Title <br /> <br /> <br />________________________________ _______________________________ <br />Agency/Organization Date <br /> <br />(Certification signature should be same as Contract signature.) <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 72E453E0-86D8-4959-BC1F-C727DEB205FA <br />cfo <br />Medisolutions Inc.9/13/2022