Orange County NC Website
Organization <br />Description <br />The Ephesus Road Elementary School PTA is the site-specific <br />chapter of the national organization of Parent Teacher Associations. <br />It is organized and run by parents of current students at Ephesus <br />Elementary with support from the school’s faculty and staff. The <br />primary goals of the organization are to (1) raise money with the <br />purpose of prov iding additional financial resources to the school; (2) <br />support work of teachers, staff and administrators; and (3) create <br />enrichment opportunities for students. <br />The PTA Board consists of at least six parents, the Principal, and at <br />least one Faculty or Staff member. The Board guides the <br />organizations efforts to support and promote the arts at Ephesus in <br />the following ways. <br />• Acting as point of contact and organizing cultural assemblies at the <br />school <br />• Acting as point of contact and organizing v isiting artists to school <br />• Organizing PTA Reflections Program (annual, national, theme-based <br />multi-discipline art competition) <br />• Raising money to fund these activ ities plus additional money <br />prov ided to Faculty teaching the arts disciplines <br />• Prov iding v olunteers to school ev ents that hav e art/s components <br />• Publicizing these activ ities and prov iding information about <br />community arts activ ities <br />Enrollment at Ephesus v aries from 365-415 students in grades K-5. <br />All students receiv e weekly instruction in art, music, and PE. <br />Additionally, students in grades 1-5 study French two times per week <br />for 20 minutes per classroom session. <br />Has your <br />organization <br />undergone any <br />Diversity, Equity, and <br />Inclusion (DEI) <br />training? If so, <br />please explain. If not, <br />please explain any <br />barriers that have <br />prevented you from <br />receiving this <br />training. <br />Not recently. <br />During FY22-23, will <br />your organization <br />receive operational <br />support funding from <br />the North Carolina <br />Arts Council or the <br />North Carolina <br />Department of <br />Natural and Cultural <br />Resources? <br />No <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: E7F30E51-08F8-4483-84D9-D991CC281E6E