Orange County NC Website
Organization's EIN 237420590.0 <br />Organization <br />W ebsite <br /> <br />Authorizing Official's <br />Name <br />Sarah Roberts <br />Authorizing Official's <br />Title <br />Ephesus Elementary PTA Cultural Arts Chair <br />Authorizing Official's <br />Phone <br />480-580-4977 <br />Authorizing Official's <br />Email <br /> <br />Applicant Race W hite <br />Free and Reduced <br />Lunch Percentage <br />29% <br />Financial Overview <br />FinancialOv erv iew_Submittable.xlsx <br />Organizational Financial Statements <br />2021-22_Budget.pdf <br />Forecast_Budget.xlsx <br />FY21_990_e-Postcard_View.pdf <br />Proposed_Budget_05-05-22.pdf <br />Deficit/Surplus W e inherited a surplus heading into the 2021 year. W e are using it <br />this year (2022). So, 2020 - surplus, 2021 - breakev en, 2022 - deficit, <br />2023 projected break ev en. <br />Are you an entity of <br />UNC-Chapel Hill or <br />another unit of state <br />government? <br />No <br />PROJECT/PROGRAM <br />INFORMATION <br />Tell us about your project or program <br />Title of Grant <br />Request <br />Cultural Arts at Ephesus Elementary School <br />Grant Amount <br />Requested <br />$2100 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: E7F30E51-08F8-4483-84D9-D991CC281E6E