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MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> June 22, 2022 <br /> established. The NC Immunization Registry (NCIR), is the official source <br /> used to record all immunizations administered in North Carolina except <br /> COVID-19 vaccinations. Currently, the state uses the COVID-19 Vaccine <br /> Management System (CVMS), to document COVID-19 vaccinations <br /> completed in NC. <br /> ➢ There continues to be monitoring and communication amongst OC <br /> community partners, such as Emergency Services, OCHD Task Force, both <br /> school districts, to discuss trends and disseminate state and CDC guidance. <br /> Regular calls with state partners regarding the status of current state <br /> conditions, variants of interest, and outbreak and cluster events also occur. <br /> ➢ Wastewater surveillance can provide an early warning of COVID-19's spread <br /> in communities. This information can be found on the NCDHHS Covid-19 <br /> Dashboard. <br /> The BOH had questions and comments that were addressed by Mr. DeFranco. <br /> C. Child Fatality Task Force Report <br /> Quintana Stewart, OC Health Director, provided a summary of the 2021 Child Fatality <br /> Prevention Team (CFPT) Annual Report. Ms. Stewart began by briefly explaining the CFPT's <br /> origin, purpose and goals, which includes reviewing medical records, discussing outcomes, <br /> identifying deficiencies and carrying out recommendations to prevent further child deaths. The <br /> CFPT members' composition is defined by statute and includes members of law enforcement, <br /> school, mental health, EMS and providers. Ms. Stewart also mentioned that the CFPT report is <br /> an Accreditation requirement and is mandated by state statute. <br /> In 2021, the CFPT met three times and reviewed seven child deaths. The majority of cases <br /> reviewed had a cause of death listed as birth defects or perinatal conditions. There was only <br /> one system issue identified. Law enforcement was not called after a pediatric death at UNC <br /> Health. There was confusion about whether the case fell under the Chapel Hill or Durham Police <br /> Department. The team's recommendation was that local hospitals should notify law <br /> enforcement of all pediatric deaths under the jurisdiction of the medical examiner. <br /> CFPT Activities and Accomplishments: <br /> • The team has continued to meet during COVID; transitioning to virtual meetings. <br /> • The team completed several trainings during the 2021 calendar year to include: <br /> o "Back to Sleep Safe" Webinar <br /> o Melatonin - Marketing Magic Webinar <br /> o "Tik TOX - Overview and Interpretations of positive tox findings in child deaths" <br /> o "Impaired Sleep: An Inadequately Explored cause of Child Death" <br /> • Dana Crews, Community Health Services Division Director, was appointed as the new <br /> CFPT Review Coordinator. <br /> The BOH members had questions that were addressed by Ms. Stewart. <br /> VI. Reports and Discussion with Possible Action <br /> A. Board of Health Plaque Presentations <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> June Page 4 <br />