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MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> June 22, 2022 <br /> • UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health is the #1 public school of public health in <br /> the US. UNC EP has over 65 faculty, receives $20 million in research funding per year, <br /> and has over 150 PhD students and over 60 applied epidemiology MPH students. There <br /> has been numerous published research from its faculty. <br /> • UNC EP has the following departmental program and primary research areas: cancer, <br /> cardiovascular disease, pharmacoepidemiology, environmental epidemiology, injury <br /> epidemiology, infectious disease and social epidemiology. <br /> • Some of UNC EP's programs' highlights: <br /> o Doctoral Program — Doctoral students are key to accomplishing the research projects <br /> within the department. Prominence of department in field as evidenced by SER best <br /> student paper awards (tied with Harvard). Opportunities include building stronger <br /> connections with the State Health Department for doctoral level researchers and <br /> increase footprint in Data Science applications. <br /> o Applied Epidemiology Concentration, MPH — Group mentoring model builds strong <br /> within-cohort connectivity and prominence of department in field of epidemiology. <br /> Opportunities include practicum opportunities for MPH students leveraging state <br /> partnerships and an online concentration that started in September 2021. <br /> o Certificate in Field Epidemiology—This program is cosponsored by the Department <br /> of Epidemiology and the Public Health Leadership Program and is designed for <br /> working practitioners while emphasizing practical and applied skills. <br /> o Two programs were highlighted. <br /> ➢ UNC Infectious Disease Epidemiology Program <br /> ■ Areas of expertise include HIV/AIDS, SARS-CoV-2, malaria, STIs, Zika, <br /> Cholera and nosocomial infections. <br /> ■ Global areas of concentration include South Africa, Malawi, Uganda, <br /> Nicaragua, Ethiopia and DRC. <br /> ■ Has close ties with Infectious Disease Medicine and Institute for Global <br /> Health and Infectious Diseases. <br /> ■ Research to address pandemic preparedness, strategies to circumvent <br /> issues with genetic diversity, and therapeutic discovery and development. <br /> ■ Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Ecology Lab (IDEEL) primarily <br /> focuses on malaria with its work's studies ranging from cellular biology to <br /> genomics to translational and spatial epidemiology. Chagas, Zika and <br /> tick-borne illness are other diseases that the IDEEL studies. <br /> ➢ Cancer Epidemiology Program (CEP) <br /> ■ The CEP's goal is to develop new knowledge relevant to cancer etiology, <br /> diagnosis, prognosis, and prevention using interdisciplinary and <br /> epidemiologic approaches. <br /> ■ Research program includes a diverse amount of cancers including breast, <br /> prostate, childhood, bladder and esophageal. <br /> ■ Etiology, survivorship, comparative effectiveness and access to health <br /> care are topics in which research is conducted especially amongst the <br /> African-Americans populations. <br /> • Selected Collaborative Groups at UNC <br /> o Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center <br /> o Carolina Population Center <br /> o Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility <br /> o UNC Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease <br /> o Carolina Center for Genome Sciences <br /> The BOH had questions and comments that were addressed by Dr. Yeatts. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> June Page 2 <br />