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MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> August 24,2022 <br /> D. 4th Quarter Financial Reports and Dashboards <br /> Micah Guindon, Finance and Administrative Services Director, gave a report on the 4th quarter <br /> revenue and billing accuracy. Her report is as follows: <br /> • Total Health Department Budget vs. Actuals: <br /> Average YTD monthly revenue in FY 21-22 after the fourth quarter is $329k/month or <br /> $3.9M projected for the year, representing 93% of our overall projection for the year. <br /> Revenues are higher than this point last fiscal year due to increased service levels for <br /> patients and residents. Service Revenue in the Environmental Health, Personal Health, <br /> and Dental Divisions are all up from the previous fiscal year. Expenses at the end of the <br /> fiscal year are at 88% of the overall budget. <br /> • Dental Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> The FY 21-22 average monthly revenue ($43.2k/month) for the fourth quarter is above <br /> our budget projection of$41 k/month and above the FY 20-21 average of$37.1 k/month. <br /> Revenue increases are due to a number of factors including only leaving confirmed <br /> patients on the schedule in order to decrease the number of no-show appointments. <br /> Revenue slowed a bit in Q4 compared to Q3 due to staff vacancies, but still remains <br /> higher than FY 20-21. FY 21-22 dental earned revenue totals $519k at the end of the <br /> fourth quarter compared $445k at the end of FY 20-21. <br /> • Medical Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> Medical earned revenue is currently above the budgeted projection for FY 21-22 <br /> ($33k/month) at $47.3k/month due primarily to Medicaid Transformation's per member <br /> per month rates for Primary Care. Family Planning, Child Health, Adult Health, Diabetes <br /> Self-Management Education, and Refugee Health programs are all also bringing in <br /> higher than expected revenue. Medical clinic revenue totals $568k through fourth quarter <br /> FY 21-22 compared to $489k in FY 20-21. <br /> • Environmental Health Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> Environmental Health earned revenue is above the budgeted projection for FY 21-22 <br /> ($53k/month) at $55.2k/month. We are continuing to see the relationship between <br /> weather and housing growth and applications submitted to Environmental Health. There <br /> is also a trend in applicants changing their plans, which requires new applications. FY <br /> 21-22 fourth quarter YTD revenue ($662k) is higher compared to FY 20-21 ($612k). <br /> • Multi Year Grant Fund Revenue: <br /> Family Success Alliance (FSA) has expended all of the Kenan Grant dollars although the <br /> revenue was received in the previous fiscal year. The NC IncK grant has expended <br /> $5,230 in Q4, but revenue has not yet been received. <br /> The BOH members had questions that were addressed by Ms. Guindon. <br /> VI. Action Items (Non-Consent) <br /> A. Board Appointment <br /> Dr. Bruce Baldwin, Chair, led the BOH in its discussion of the proposed replacement for the <br /> dentist representative. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> August Page 7 <br />