Orange County NC Website
MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> August 24,2022 <br /> ➢ In January 2022, the OCHD DPP was awarded Full Class Plus Recognition from the <br /> CDC. <br /> • Employee Wellness <br /> ➢ Background — Human Resources (HR) agreed to give a portion of their wellness <br /> funds to pay for one of the OCHD's registered dietitian's salary. A small portion of <br /> that allows the nutrition services to be able to provide services to employees that are <br /> not covered under the employee county health plan. <br /> ➢ The program had to decrease services due to low HR and Nutrition staffing. A variety <br /> of topics including meal planning and weight management are offered as well as <br /> department-specific presentations conducted. Currently, Nutrition Services is <br /> developing and implementing a new outreach plan to reach employees at the <br /> County's New Employee Orientation. <br /> The BOH had questions and comments that were addressed by Ms. Kemske. <br /> C. Family Success Alliance (FSA) Update <br /> Dana Crews, Community Health Services Director, presented an update on the Family Success <br /> Alliance (FSA). Below are some brief highlights. <br /> • FSA Staff <br /> ➢ There are 8 navigators, an FSA manager and an NC Integrated Care for Kids <br /> Collaboration (NC InCK) Integration Consultant. <br /> o The NC InCK Integration Consultant provides training, guidance and support to <br /> the FSA Navigators. <br /> ➢ The FSA Navigators complete a Community Health Worker course, are eligible for <br /> certification in NC and undergo continuous training to support professional <br /> development in case management. <br /> • Navigator Program <br /> ➢ Has expanded beyond the initial 2 zones <br /> ➢ Serves at-risk families with a child in the home between the ages of 0-18. <br /> o RedCap is the database used to manage and track navigators' work. <br /> o Tier, time-limited services are provided based on family needs and progress. <br /> ■ High-touch families —all at-risk families are enrolled at this tier with core <br /> health goals and specific needs identified within the initial 1-3 months; <br /> monthly contact required <br /> ■ Low-touch families —families are now linked to resources and are <br /> maintaining the resources obtained; ensured there are no barriers to <br /> maintaining engagement with services; bi-monthly contact required <br /> ■ FSA Connections —family completes case management program and is no <br /> longer assigned a navigator; Connection navigator surveys the family <br /> annually <br /> ➢ Works to ensure that all families have access to services that address their physical, <br /> behavioral and developmental needs by using their knowledge and connections to <br /> link the families to resources. <br /> ➢ Determines which families are at-risk by collaborating with entities who serve at-risk <br /> families most often such as Department of Social Services (DSS), medical facilities, <br /> school social workers. Self-referrals also occur. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> August Page 5 <br />