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MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> August 24,2022 <br /> both the middle and high school level, by school districts to monitor trends related to <br /> national health objectives such as unintentional injury and violence, sexual behaviors, <br /> substance use and dietary patterns and physical activity. <br /> • Parents receive the waiver from the school and send it back in order for the student to <br /> participate in the YRBS survey. <br /> • Disclaimers/Limitations <br /> ➢ Before revealing the results, Ms. Pruitt provided a disclaimer stating that there were <br /> not enough students surveyed to ensure that these occurrences are representative <br /> of the larger student population. She continued by stating that these results can be <br /> used for additional data collection and that they represent the sample of students <br /> who were surveyed. <br /> ➢ A comparative analysis was unable to be conducted. The results are non- <br /> representative of the entire student body's true behaviors/perceptions due to the <br /> small sample size. <br /> • Results <br /> ➢ High school <br /> o There were 58 respondents out of a total 2500 high school students. <br /> o The majority of respondents were White consisting of two-thirds being female <br /> and two-thirds identifying as heterosexual. Another restriction that came up in the <br /> analysis involved the LGBT students as the CDC recommends having a sample <br /> size of at least 30 students who identify as LGBT in order to conduct any <br /> analysis. Since that did not occur, further analysis in whether LGBT students <br /> participated in any of these behaviors at a higher rate than their peers could not <br /> be conducted. That is also why it was decided not to conduct any comparative <br /> analysis for various race/ethnic groups. <br /> o Mental Health and Suicide — highest percentage of students (63.7%) reported <br /> poor mental health "sometimes", "most of the time" or"always" in the past 30 <br /> days; 5.2% reported making a suicide attempt in the past 12 months <br /> o High risk and violence — highest percentage of students (10%) reported <br /> experiencing sexual or dating violence <br /> o Substance Use — highest percentage of students (17.2%) reported ever trying <br /> alcohol; 6.9% reported having at least 1 drink in the past 30 days, having ever <br /> tried marijuana, and/or having used prescription drugs not prescribed to them <br /> o Weight Control and Diet— 52% of students reported trying to change their weight <br /> (either losing or gaining weight) <br /> o Sexual Behaviors — 5% reported having ever had sexual intercourse; 3.5% <br /> reported using a condom or a form of birth control during intercourse <br /> o Other Health Markers —86% reported visiting a dentist in the past 12 months; <br /> 36% reported regularly getting at least 8 hours of sleep; 7% reported ever being <br /> test for HIV; 7% reported ever being tested for an STD <br /> o Risk perception — high school students' perceived risk was highest in regards to <br /> daily tobacco and prescription drugs <br /> o Parental acceptance — high school students' stated that their parents would not <br /> be accepting of their usage of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco and prescription drugs <br /> ➢ Middle schools <br /> o There were 77 respondents with 75% White and 62% male. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2022 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> August Page 2 <br />