Orange County NC Website
23 <br /> 2. The proposal is consistent with the appropriate and allowed zoning districts for the Rural <br /> Industrial Activity Node, as shown in the Land Use and Zoning Matrix contained in <br /> Appendix F of the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Pursuant and consistent with Orange County's adopted plans, the Planning Director <br /> recommends approval of the Statement of Consistency, indicating the amendments are <br /> reasonable and in the public interest, contained in Attachment 5 and the proposed zoning atlas <br /> amendment ordinance and conditions of approval contained in Attachment 6. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: This request has been reviewed by various County departments who <br /> have determined that the approval of the request would not create the need for additional <br /> funding for the provision of County services. Costs associated with advertising, including the <br /> public hearing notice and mailings, are covered by the application fee. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Director recommends the Board: <br /> 1. Receive the rezoning application, <br /> 2. Deliberate on the proposal as desired, <br /> 3. Consider the Planning Director's recommendation, and <br /> 4. Make a recommendation to the BOCC on the Statement of Consistency (Attachment 5) <br /> and the proposed ordinance (Attachment 6) in time for the November 1, 2022 BOCC <br /> meeting. <br />