Orange County NC Website
Project End Date (no <br />later than June 30, <br />2023) <br />May 5, 2023 <br />Project Goals The goal of the PTA Cultural Arts Program at McDougle Elementary <br />School (MES) has always been to expose the entire student <br />population to a wide range of artistic expression throughout their <br />elementary school years. MES students benefit greatly from the <br />shared experience of a div erse cultural arts program. Additionally, we <br />know that many MES students hav e v ery few opportunities to <br />participate in cultural arts programs outside of school, due to <br />socioeconomic realities and other family considerations. The <br />continuing Cov id pandemic has limited in-person access to cultural <br />arts experiences. The PTA Cultural Arts Program prov ides a <br />common context for students to understand and celebrate each <br />other’s differences, expand their knowledge about the world, and <br />make meaningful connections between the arts and the lessons they <br />are learning in the classroom. <br />It is unknown if the 2022-2023 school year will hav e guidelines <br />restricting large, indoor schoolwide gatherings. Consequently, for the <br />upcoming academic year, the MES PTA Board worked collaborativ ely <br />with the MES administration and teachers, and inv ited the poet Mr. <br />Shabazz back to MES to work with our 5th-graders. Mr. Shabazz's <br />poetry program has intentionally been included as an integral part of <br />the students’ curriculum. His work responds to the needs of all MES <br />5th-grade students. Mr. Shabazz’s work prov ides a strong <br />multidisciplinary linkage to the school’s curriculum (arts education, <br />language arts, social studies and positiv e behav ior) as well as <br />ongoing discussions of race, ethnicity, and culture both inside the <br />classroom and in our students’ communities outside of the school <br />building. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: F87A8A83-5191-4D22-BCB0-5954909D7955