Orange County NC Website
Is the person in <br />charge of this <br />program or project <br />different from the <br />Authorizing Official? <br />Yes <br />Project Director <br />Name <br />Aleza Friedman <br />Project Director Title Communications Chair 2021-2022 <br />Project Director <br />Street Address <br />McDougle Elementary School PTA <br />890 Old Fayettev ille Road <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />Project Director <br />Phone <br />347-470-1530 <br />Project Director <br />Email <br /> <br />W hat are you <br />requesting funding <br />for? <br />A specific program or project <br />Project/Program <br />Summary <br />The MES PTA Board and members, together with our principal and <br />teachers, hav e once again asked Mr. Shabazz to lead <br />his poetry residency to work with our fifth grade students. For <br />multiple years Mr. Shabazz has been getting MES students excited <br />about creativ e writing, encouraging them to be empowered by their <br />own words and expression. He is one of the most lov ed and <br />appreciated residents who has established lasting relationships with <br />MES teachers, staff, and students. <br />Currently, Mr. Shabazz is scheduled to teach the residency in person; <br />howev er, if necessary, Mr. Shabazz could again lead the residency <br />v irtually. Due to a rise in cov id cases in the school env ironment, for <br />the final few weeks of the 2021-2022 school year. masking once again <br />was required for all McDougle Elementary School staff, students, and <br />v isitors. Thankfully, Mr. Shabazz was able to present his poetry <br />workshop in-person while case numbers were low. Howev er, due to <br />the potential for additional cov id wav es, the ability for Mr. Shabazz to <br />present his workshop v irtually, if needed, was considered. In the <br />2020-2021 school year, Mr. Shabazz conducted his residency <br />v irtually, and was able to foster a creativ e and inclusiv e space for all <br />participants. <br />Project Start Date <br />(no earlier than July <br />1, 2022) <br />May 1, 2023 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: F87A8A83-5191-4D22-BCB0-5954909D7955