Orange County NC Website
County government <br />County soil and water conservation district <br />Nonprofit conservation organization <br />N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services <br />N.C. ADFP Trust Fund <br />Conservation Easement Transfer of Entity <br />Approved 6/2022 <br />The Grantee will be the Easement Holder. In the event the Grantee desires to transfer the <br />easement to a qualified entity herein below described, the ADFP Trust Fund must be notified in <br />writing immediately. This transfer request must be approved by the Farmland Preservation <br />Division Director no later than 60 days before the scheduled closing date. <br />Qualified entities include county governments, county soil and water conservation districts, or <br />nonprofit conservation organizations as defined by 02 NCAC 58 .0103 (8). <br />The Grantee will continue to fulfill the Grantee’s duties and responsibilities subject to the terms <br />and conditions of the contract. This includes, but is not limited to, submitting budget and <br />progress reports, final closing documents, and requests for payment. Upon recording, the <br />Grantee will give all investments and interests in the easement project to the Easement Holder. <br />Upon transfer and recording the easement, the Easement Holder will assume all responsibilities <br />for monitoring the easement and submitting annual monitoring reports as outlined in the <br />monitoring policy in this contract. <br />If the Grantee intends to transfer the easement to another entity, please include the name of the <br />entity and contact information: <br />Entity Name: <br />Entity Type: <br />Contact Name: <br />Contact Email: <br />Contact Phone: <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 480AFBD4-654C-48FA-9CB8-F7C8D7E98DB2