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Approved 6/2022 8 <br />ADFPTF. All other grant contract extension requests shall follow the protocols outlined <br />in the NCDA&CS ADFPTF grant contract. <br /> <br />11. If the Grantee has not provided all closing documents and progress/budget reports 30 <br />days before the contract's end date, the Grantee may request an emergency contract <br />extension of the grant to the Commissioner of Agriculture. This request must include <br />reasons for not completing the grant and following the timetable of scheduled activities to <br />complete the grant project. All other grant contract extension requests shall follow the <br />protocols outlined in the NCDA&CS ADFPTF grant contract. <br /> <br />12. After recording the "Conservation Easement" in the Register of Deeds Office, the <br />Grantee shall annually notify the landowner and conduct a monitoring visit to the <br />property to ensure that the easement agreement is being upheld. If structures are <br />permitted under the easement, the Grantee shall review plans and monitor construction <br />for compliance with the plans. Grantee monitoring shall be completed in accordance with <br />the Agency "Conservation Easement Monitoring Policy and Guidelines" and <br />amendments thereto. The Grantee shall electronically complete and submit to the Agency <br />the "Grantee Monitoring Report – Perpetual or Term Easement" to report its annual <br />monitoring findings. The "Grantee Monitoring Report – Perpetual or Term Easement" is <br />accessed through a portal at The first "Grantee Monitoring Report – <br />Perpetual or Term Easement" is due by December 31 of the following calendar year after <br />the "Conservation Easement" recording and annually thereafter. <br /> <br />13. The Grantee shall complete all reports in a prescribed format, which the Agency shall <br />provide. Reports and required documentation must be up-to-date for the Grantee to <br />receive payments. <br /> <br />14. All publicity and printed material regarding projects or activities supported in whole or in <br />part by this shall contain the following language: "The project received support from the <br />NCDA&CS ADFP Trust Fund." The NCDA&CS ADFP Trust Fund logo (digital <br />versions of which can be downloaded from the Agency website at shall <br />be displayed in all the Grantee's publicity and printed materials relating to this grant. <br /> <br />15. The Grantee will submit all reports and requested documents electronically unless <br />instructed differently by Agency staff. Reports and documents may be submitted by <br />email to <br /> <br />16. Noncompliance with Grantee duties will result in an immediate suspension of existing <br />Agency grant funding. The Grantee shall be ineligible for further Agency grants until the <br />noncompliance is corrected and the Agency has acknowledged the correction and is in <br />good standing. The Agency shall use the following guidance in placing a Grantee in <br />noncompliance: <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 480AFBD4-654C-48FA-9CB8-F7C8D7E98DB2