Orange County NC Website
Approved 6/2022 6 <br />☐ Present-Use Value (PUV) Conservation Easement Program <br />Select one of the following: <br /> ☐ Perpetual Conservation Easement: <br />• 75% of the conservation easement value as determined by the Final <br />Conservation Easement Value Payout formula in the PUV <br />Conservation Easement Program Worksheet attached in this <br />contract. <br />☐ 50-Year Term Conservation Easement: <br />• 60% of the conservation easement value as determined by the Final <br />Conservation Easement Value Payout formula in the PUV <br />Conservation Easement Program Worksheet attached in this <br />contract. <br /> <br />7. The conservation easement closing payment request may be submitted in writing using <br />the Easement Closing Check Request form by the Grantee 30 days before the set closing <br />date, provided the following items have been achieved: <br />a. All closing documents (conservation easement, HUD statement, title <br />commitment, and subordination agreement if required) have been reviewed and <br />approved by ADFPTF and NCDA&CS legal staff. <br />b. The Grantee is in "Green" status based on the ADFP Trust Fund Grantee <br />Eligibility Classification system. This status requires all progress/budget reports, <br />monitoring reports, audit reports, and other reporting documents to be current <br />with the Agency. <br />c. The Grantee has followed the contractually-obligated work schedule as detailed in <br />the grant contract. If Grantee fails to maintain the contractual agreement between <br />NCDA&CS and the Grantee, NCDA&CS ADFPTF shall consider additional <br />measures to ensure Grantee follows department policies and contract procedures. <br />d. The proposed conservation easement closing date shall be no less than 30 days <br />before the contract end date. This timeline eliminates the risk of losing grant <br />funds due to the contract's expiration. <br />e. All involved parties, including ADFPTF, Grantee, landowners, and all funding <br />partners with a financial interest in the conservation easement, will confirm the <br />closing date. <br />f. The closing check will be submitted to the closing attorney named in the grant <br />contract, provided all required information provided by the Grantee is complete <br />approved by ADFPTF and NCDA&CS legal staff. <br />g. If a contract is at risk of not being completed, NCDA&CS may provide <br />alternatives to reduce that risk, including revisions of the holdback provisions or <br />the payment delivery options for services rendered by contractual arrangement. <br /> <br />8. The Grantee shall also submit a final grant report. In the final report, the Grantee shall <br />provide all budget/progress reports, the final request for payment, and an accounting of <br />the final match claimed by the Grantee to fulfill the match requirement mandated under <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 480AFBD4-654C-48FA-9CB8-F7C8D7E98DB2