2022-508-E-DEAPR-North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Approval of NCADFP grant contract for matached funds in acquisition of conservation easement of Poteat family farm
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2022-508-E-DEAPR-North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Approval of NCADFP grant contract for matached funds in acquisition of conservation easement of Poteat family farm
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Last modified
9/28/2022 5:50:45 PM
Creation date
9/28/2022 5:48:43 PM
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Approved 6/2022 4 <br />☐ADFPTF Perpetual Template Easement <br />☐ADFPTF Term Template Easement <br />☒ADFPTF-USDA Template Easement <br />☐ADFPTF-USDA-USAF Template Easement <br />☐ADFPTF-USDA-Navy Template Easement <br />☐ADFPTF-USDA-Army Template Easement <br />☐ADFPTF-USDA-County Template Easement <br />☐ADFPTF-USAF Template Easement <br />☐ADFPTF-Navy Template Easement <br />☐ADFPTF-Army Template Easement <br />☐ADFPTF-County Template Easement <br />☐ Exception, including the creation of no more than three lots pursuant to N.C.G.S. <br />106-744(b)(1). (Copy of the revised conservation easement language must be <br />attached hereto as an amendment to the NCDA&CS ADFPTF contract at the time of <br />approval) <br />The Agency legal counsel and Farmland Preservation Director must approve additions, <br />omissions, or modifications of said template. The final "Conservation Easement" must <br />meet with Agency approval to remain eligible for funding. <br />5. The Grantee shall provide the Agency with the appropriate reimbursement request <br />(downloadable at and required documentation of performance and <br />expenditures for associated grant reimbursement. The Agency shall make payments to the <br />Grantee on the following guidance: <br />a. No more than $25,000 if the grant award is $27,778 or greater and up to 90% of <br />the grant if the award is less than $27,778 before the recording of the <br />"Conservation Easement." <br />b. All payment requests must document the purpose of using grant funds and be <br />within the approved amounts designated in the contract grant budget. <br />c. At the time of a properly recorded "Conservation Easement," the Agency shall <br />pay the Grantee no more than 90% of the awarded grant amount. <br />d. The Agency shall decrease the contract award amount based on the current <br />conservation easement appraisal, if applicable. <br />e. The Grantee shall ensure that 110 acres are placed under an agricultural easement <br />with no more than a 5% variance in recorded easement acreage without the prior <br />written approval of the Agency. <br />i. If the variance is greater than 5% of the contracted acres and is greater <br />than the acres listed above, the additional acreage will be approved under <br />one of the following scenarios: <br />1. The additional acres are included in the original parcels, and the <br />variance is due to the Conservation Easement Survey updates. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 480AFBD4-654C-48FA-9CB8-F7C8D7E98DB2
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