2022-508-E-DEAPR-North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Approval of NCADFP grant contract for matached funds in acquisition of conservation easement of Poteat family farm
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2022-508-E-DEAPR-North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Approval of NCADFP grant contract for matached funds in acquisition of conservation easement of Poteat family farm
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9/28/2022 5:50:45 PM
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9/28/2022 5:48:43 PM
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N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services <br />N.C. ADFP Trust Fund <br />Conservation Easement Contract Grantee Duties and Reporting Requirements <br /> <br />Approved 6/2022 1 <br /> <br />1. The NCDA&CS ADFPTF conservation easement contract is a two-year contract. The <br />first contract year is to complete the conservation easement project, including recording <br />the conservation easement. The second contract year is reserved for the completion of the <br />conservation easement project due to documented hardships. The Grantee agrees to <br />record the conservation easement within the first year of the two-year contract following <br />the timeline below. Failure to follow the deliverable timeline is a breach of the contract, <br />and the Grantee must repay any grant funding received from the NCDA&CS ADFPTF. If <br />the Grantee fails to record an approved conservation easement according to the terms and <br />conditions of this contract within the contract period, the Grantee is responsible for <br />repaying all funds expended. <br /> <br />2. If the conservation easement is not recorded within the first 365 days of the two-year <br />contract, the Grantee must request a continuation of the project in writing to the Farmland <br />Preservation Director 60 days before the end of the first year of the contract (Day 305). <br />This request must provide proper documentation for the hardships that delayed <br />completing the grant project and a revised timeline to complete the conservation <br />easement project. All other required documents, including budget and progress reports, <br />must be current. Eligible hardships include: <br />a. Death of a landowner; <br />b. Severe illness or incapacitation of a landowner; <br />c. The Grantee has applied for federal funding and has not yet received funding <br />notification; <br />d. The Grantee has federal funds under contract and has not yet received approval to <br />release federal funds. <br /> <br />All other requests for continuing the conservation easement project shall be determined <br />on a case-by-case basis. If approved, the project may continue into the second year of the <br />contract. If denied, the Grantee must repay any grant funding from the NCDA&CS <br />ADFPTF. Note: Failure by the Grantee to initiate deliverables on the conservation <br />easement project, Grantee staff shortages or changes, and Grantee time management <br />issues are not acceptable hardships and will result in a breach of the contract, and the <br />Grantee must repay any grant funding received from the NCDA&CS ADFPTF. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 480AFBD4-654C-48FA-9CB8-F7C8D7E98DB2
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