2022-501-E-Arts Commission-Chapel Hill Philharmonia-2022-23 arts grant
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2022-501-E-Arts Commission-Chapel Hill Philharmonia-2022-23 arts grant
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9/28/2022 2:10:22 PM
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9/28/2022 2:10:10 PM
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Organization <br />Description <br />The Chapel Hill Philharmonia (CHP) was formed in 1983 to prov ide a <br />setting for local amateur musicians to meet and perform together as <br />a symphony orchestra. The CHP’s mission has remained consistent <br />ov er time: <br />• Offer accomplished v olunteer adult and student instrumentalists an <br />opportunity to play together in an orchestra <br />• Inspire both adults and children to appreciate, study, and play <br />classical music by prov iding free classical music concerts <br />• Encourage musicians of all ages to striv e for musical excellence <br />In the CHP’s early years activ e membership was approximately 50 <br />players and the group played two or three concerts per season. <br />Since the year 2000, under the leadership of Prof. Donald Oehler, the <br />orchestra has grown to more than 85 activ e players and now <br />presents four free concerts per season, reaching a total audience of <br />around 1200 people each year. The CHP is open to musicians without <br />audition and draws members from all across the Triangle area. <br />Musicians span a wide range of occupations, including scientists, <br />engineers, teachers, physicians, homemakers, students, and faculty <br />members. The youngest players are sometimes still in their teens, <br />while the oldest are ov er 80. <br />In addition to growing in size, the orchestra has broadened the scope <br />of its activ ities in recent years: <br />• Beginning in 2005, the group has giv en a few premieres of new <br />works by contemporary composers, including Eddie Bass, Terry <br />Mizesko, Jay Greenberg, Garth Molyneux, and Ann Millikan. <br />• In 2008, the orchestra first teamed with v ocal students from the UNC <br />Music Department to present a concert of opera arias and <br />ensembles. Repeated again in 2012 and 2014, these “Div afest” <br />programs allow dev eloping singers the rare opportunity to appear <br />with full orchestral accompaniment. <br />• Under the leadership of guest conductor Andrew McAfee, the <br />orchestra initiated a children’s concert in 2007 and has made it an <br />annual ev ent since 2009. W ith attendance of around 300 (ev enly split <br />between elementary-school-aged children and adults), this concert in <br />particular reaches beyond traditional classical music audiences. <br />• The orchestra has also occasionally collaborated with other area <br />ensembles, including the Chapel Hill Community Chorus (2009), the <br />Piedmont Youth Orchestra (2012), and the Chapel Hill Youth Violin <br />Ensemble (2012). <br />The CHP is gov erned by a board of directors elected from the ranks <br />of the orchestra. Most organizational chores are performed by <br />v olunteers, though the music librarians and stage managers are paid <br />a nominal fee. <br />The CHP is planning four different free concert programs for 2022- <br />2023 and is also supporting its annual Young Artist Competition. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: E8FD4B12-89A2-43D4-995F-D78342A0F716
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