2022-496-E-Arts Commission-Franklin Street Arts Collective-2022-23 arts grant
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2022-496-E-Arts Commission-Franklin Street Arts Collective-2022-23 arts grant
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Last modified
9/28/2022 2:06:52 PM
Creation date
9/28/2022 2:06:35 PM
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Organization <br />Description <br />Franklin Street Arts Collectiv e dba FRANK Gallery, a 501(c)(3) non- <br />profit organization, is also a contemporary fine arts gallery with a <br />mission to feature work by local artists and to enrich our community <br />through exhibitions, ev ents and arts education. The organization <br />comprises 24 member artists, a Board of Directors, one paid full time <br />employee, gallery manager Natalie Knox as well as one part-time <br />bookkeeper, Sarah Moessinger. FRANK displays and sells the work <br />of more than 100 mostly local artists and its members support the <br />Gallery’s financial v iability through membership dues and fund <br />raising ev ents. W e also put on and run an annual fundraising ev ent. <br />Ov er the past twelv e years the Gallery has presented both v isual and <br />performing arts free to the public. Pre COVID in 2019 more than 8,100 <br />people v isited the gallery and an additional 3,150 attended ev ents <br />there. Approximately 70% of those v isitors were local, 15% were from <br />Durham and 10% were from Raleigh and the greater Triangle. <br />Attendees were culturally div erse as were the participating artists. <br />Throughout COVID we hav e continued to maintain our presence in <br />our community by prov iding online resources, hybrid and in-person <br />ev ents all of which hav e been well receiv ed and attended. During the <br />last two years our walk-in v isitors hav e diminished significantly due <br />to COVID as well as Univ ersity Place’s redev elopment program. W e <br />hav e been preparing for the extensiv e construction in the mall by <br />being conserv ativ e with our finances and hav e plans to address the <br />diminishing foot traffic by continuing to maintain our online presence, <br />dev eloping targeted marketing strategies and creating engaging in- <br />person ev ents. W e are also always av ailable to meet clients and <br />v isitors by appointment to accommodate v arying degrees of comfort <br />lev els. Our outreach activ ities nev er ceased during COVID and hav e <br />grown. W e hav e restarted our free educational series, Coffee with <br />FRANK, continued our artist talks and opening receptions for our <br />annual schedule of six major exhibits and hav e continued to operate <br />our v ery activ e Karen Youth Art Group. This ten year long <br />educational enrichment project prov ides Karen ( Burmese) refugee <br />students with artistic skills, self confidence and coping abilities. <br />During 2020, the group met outside and thereafter inside the gallery <br />once v accinations were introduced. Our continued support of this <br />underserv ed community has resulted in our older students <br />proceeding to community college and univ ersity and ev entually <br />becoming activ e members of our community. Our most recent <br />initiated Mentorship Program/ partnership with Boomerang has <br />enhanced their "Bounce Back” initiativ e resulting in the recent <br />production of a 35 foot mural at Boomerang spearheaded by FRANK <br />artists (images attached). FRANK artists will participate in <br />Boomerang’s Summer STEAM Program and we are crafting another <br />longer term program/ partnership for the fall and beyond. Our <br />member artists are teaching in many retirement communities <br />including Carol W oods, The Cedars, Galloway Ridge and the Forest at <br />Duke prov iding our community’s older residents with artistic <br />stimulation and contact with the gallery and its v arious activ ities. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C323C9C3-F573-4399-A120-2A0A7E277E09
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