Orange County NC Website
Please describe <br />efforts by your <br />organization to <br />generate revenue. <br />Our efforts to generate rev enue are constant. Our online SHOP <br />emanated from the spring 2020 COVID lockdown and is prov ing to be <br />a success, though it requires a lot of time and effort to maintain. W e <br />also hav e each of our exhibitions online and this hybrid arrangement <br />has sustained customer support and interest throughout the <br />pandemic. It has also generated out of state interest and sales. Since <br />the onset of COVID we hav e also applied for all the possible local <br />state and Federal stimulus grants and hav e been successful in that <br />regard. This includes two PPP loans (with their associated <br />forgiv eness) which helped support the salary of our gallery manager. <br />W e also operate a “by appointment” system which has allowed those <br />customers needing a safe space during COVID to v isit the gallery and <br />purchase art works. Giv en that many new people are mov ing into the <br />area FRANK’s marketing plan will include strategies to bring new <br />arriv als to our gallery. Through our “Coffee with FRANK” monthly <br />talks we are helping potential customers dev elop their art collections <br />and are exploring the possibility of a gallery art hanging serv ice to <br />assist customers with their art hanging needs. Our biggest <br />fundraiser, our annual “Off the W all Gala”, generates close to <br />$30,000. This in turn makes it possible for us to employ a gallery <br />manager giv en the large and div erse inv entory carried by FRANK. <br />Prior to 2021 our gallery manager was also in charge of all the <br />bookkeeping but we hav e since hired a part-time bookkeeper to free <br />up time for our gallery manager to work on sales and marketing <br />initiativ es. Our gallery manager works alongside our bookkeeper to <br />ensure accounts accuracy. As stated before we are facing many <br />obstacles with COVID, v olatility of the economy, and most of all <br />uncertainty surrounding our long term stay at Univ ersity Place mall. <br />According to the most recent mall redev elopment plans that hav e <br />been released to the public our space, as we know it, will be gone in <br />2-4 years which means that our conserv ativ e spending, our quest to <br />protect our reserv es and ability to be awarded grants are critical in <br />helping maintain and sustain our long term community presence and <br />operations. Going forward, we hav e established a strategic <br />dev elopment committee comprising board and artist members to <br />help dev elop a proposal to Univ ersity Place mall regarding our future <br />as a v ibrant artists collectiv e in the community. <br />Resumes of artists/administrators <br />G.Rousso_Resume_2022.pdf <br />N.Knox_Resume_2022.pdf <br />Board of Directors List <br />Board_of_Directors_May_2022.pdf <br />IRS Tax Exemption <br />Determination_Letter.pdf <br />Publicity Samples <br />2021April_showcard_front_edited.jpg <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C323C9C3-F573-4399-A120-2A0A7E277E09