Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Sale of Agreenwt <br /> Nature of disagreements? <br /> Minor concerns with wording or editing. <br /> Agreement with the main thrust of the proposal, but concerns with <br /> specific elements which, if changed, would lead to agreement, <br /> • Major concerns, principles disagreement with the overall direction of the <br /> proposal, which if not ad-dressed, would lead the member to block the <br /> consensus {level D}_ <br /> Source: Hustedde, Smutko. and K-4psa- TurWng Lemons faro Lemonade <br /> (n-d-) <br /> li <br /> Commissioner Greene asked how the scale will be used throughout the discussion. <br /> Lydian Altman said she may ask the Commissioners to stand up at the end of the day to <br /> see where they stand and what it may take to move from a position of disagreement to <br /> agreement, if applicable. <br /> Introductions and Getting Started <br /> Lydian Altman guided introductions and posed the question "As you've settled into your <br /> role, what's one principle that's emerged to help you govern?" <br /> Introductions <br /> 1 Dame, length of residency <br /> here,tenure on the Board or <br /> with the County <br /> 2. As you've settled into your <br /> role, what's one pnnci pie that's <br /> 00VPKN emerged to help you govern? <br /> ll <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she has been in Orange County for around 30 years, and <br /> has been on the Board of Commissioners for 3.5 years. She said one of her guiding principles <br />