Orange County NC Website
USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Services Landowner Hazmat Interview <br /> 5 . Has the property ever discharged industrial or other wastewater (excluding storm water runoff or sanitary <br /> wastewater discharges from restrooms, kitchens, or other household-type uses) onto or adjacent to the <br /> property ? If yes , describe the discharge and indicate the locations and dates . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑ <br /> D . Compliance/Permits <br /> 1 . Have there been any environmental permits or licenses issued for current or past operations associated with <br /> the property (e . g. , air quality, water discharge, or landfills) ? If yes , describe the permitted operations , indicate <br /> the permitting agency, date the permit was issued, and whether the permit is still effective . <br /> Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑ <br /> 2 . Are you aware of any environmental liens against the property that were filed or recorded under Federal , <br /> Tribal , State or local law? If yes , describe the lien and indicate the date and effect on the current and future <br /> use of the property . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑ <br /> 3 . Are you aware of any activity and land use limitations that are in place on the property or that were filed or <br /> recorded under Federal, Tribal , State or local environmental laws ? If yes, describe the land use restrictions, <br /> identify the party that issued the restrictions and the date . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑ <br /> 4 . Are you aware of any compliance or enforcement notices relating to past or current violations of <br /> environmental laws with respect to the property or any facility on the property ? If yes , describe the violations <br /> and the dates involved . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑ <br /> 5 . Are you aware if any environmental site assessment, or other environmental investigations, of the property, or <br /> any other property or site records ever indicated the presence of hazardous substances , petroleum products, or <br /> other potential environmental problems on the property ? If yes , describe the report and findings . <br /> Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑ <br /> 6 . Are you aware of any environmental site assessment, or other environmental investigations , of the property, <br /> or any other property or site records that recommended further assessment of the property ? If yes, identify the <br /> report and indicate if the fiuther assessment was done . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑ <br /> 7 . Are you aware of any past, threatened, or pending lawsuits or administrative proceedings concerning a release <br /> or threatened release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on the real property ? If yes, describe <br /> the action and identify the party that is initiating the action . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑ <br /> 8 <br />