USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Services Landowner Hazmat Interview
<br /> or industrial batteries, building demolition debris , or other waste materials . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑
<br /> 6 . Are there any floor drains in the onsite structures or areas where chemicals (e . g . , waste oil, antifreeze,
<br /> solvents , and pesticides) were used or stored? If yes , indicate the locations of the structures and the types,
<br /> quantities , and time frames related to the associated chemical use or storage . For each area or structure, also
<br /> indicate the discharge location for the floor drains . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑
<br /> 7 . Do the walls , floors, or ceilings of the structures used to store hazardous materials have any chemical stains ?
<br /> If yes, indicate the areas in each structure that has chemical staining . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑
<br /> 8 . Are there or have there been any floors , drains , walls , or ceilings stained by substances other than water or
<br /> that are emitting foul or unnatural odors (e . g . , mold, mildew, algae) ? If yes, describe the locations and the
<br /> nature of the past and current site operations . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑
<br /> 9 . Are there electrical transmission lines, transformers, capacitors, lighting ballast, or hydraulic equipment (e . g . ,
<br /> elevators, presses , lifts, or doors) on the property ? If yes , identify the locations and approximate age of the
<br /> equipment . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑
<br /> a) If the site has electrical transmission lines , transformers, capacitors, lighting ballast, or hydraulic
<br /> equipment, has testing been done to determine the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) or
<br /> has any onsite equipment contained PCBs ? If yes , indicate the locations , type of equipment, and
<br /> dates . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑
<br /> b) If the site has or had PCBs, are you aware of any release of PCBs that have occurred? If yes, describe
<br /> the release and indicate the date, locations and whether the release was mitigated.
<br /> Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Unknown ❑
<br /> 10 . Has there ever been any mercury-containing equipment (e . g . , switches , thermostats, thermometers,
<br /> manometers , or sink traps) on the property ? If yes, indicate the locations and type of equipment and dates .
<br /> Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑
<br /> 11 . Are you aware of any radon, asbestos- containing materials , or lead-based paint on the property ? If yes,
<br /> indicate the type , locations and dates . Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑
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