Orange County NC Website
Cirruculum and <br />Enrichment <br />The curriculum is set up in three parts: 1) Identity, 2) Connection, and <br />3) Out-of-the-box. Each element is tailored to the young person being <br />serv ed. The curriculum prov ides a framework to allow a student to <br />get out of the box that society has put them in as a "justice-inv olv ed <br />youth," "criminal," or other label that stigmatizes a young person's <br />identity and potential. <br />1) Identity <br />W e begin by building a relationship with the young person and their <br />family to understand the resources readily av ailable to them, their <br />interests and their goals. This initial conv ersation, led by Soteria, <br />utilizes the emotional wheel and gleens information that guides next <br />steps for this phase, which can include but are not limited to <br />research projects and art projects. <br />2) Connection <br />After completing the "Identity" phase, Soteria and the young person <br />reconv ene to discuss what they created and discov ered. This <br />conv ersation leads to insights about what sorts of artists and media <br />may interest the young person. This may also serv e as an <br />opportunity for young people to learn networking skills, allowing <br />youth to reach out directly to artists for mentorship. Soteria may <br />serv e as an artist-mentor giv en her background in poetry, spoken <br />word, and music. <br />3) Out-of-the-box <br />This final phase of the project allows youth and their artist-mentors to <br />dev elop a final project. There is no mandatory outcome for this part <br />of the project beyond prov iding youth an opportunity for self- <br />expression that can be shared. <br />Audience Description Youth serv ed will be justice-inv olv ed youth throughout Orange <br />County. Youth are often from rural communities and hav e <br />experienced multiple Adv erse Childhood Experiences. This funding <br />will prov ide artist fees and trav el for at least 15 youth for the total <br />hours deemed by their court counselor. Funding will also support <br />artist engagement with criminal court staff to build relationships and <br />help educate on the v alue of arts enrichment for justice-inv olv ed <br />youth. The INKounter project will engage at least 20 criminal court <br />staff engagement, whose racial composition is estimated to be 60% <br />white and 40% black. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 15A660EC-5B01-4664-A912-162A942EEE16