Orange County NC Website
The programming of Attic 506 is currently comprised of SLUG, The <br />Concern Newsstand, Drawing Room, Acid Rain, Attic A.I.R., pop-up <br />ev ents, performances and installations. <br />SLUG is a project space by and for queer v isions and v oices of the <br />south. It was founded in 2020 in response to the lack of queer art <br />spaces managed by queer people. SLUG consistently deliv ers <br />thoughtful discourse through solo and group exhibitions with profits <br />often going to charitable causes. <br />The Concern Newsstand formed in 2017 for the concern of a <br />changing town, commercialization and a lack (at the time) of places <br />to buy artist-made books & zines. In addition to stocking a prov oking <br />selection of printed matter, they hav e extended the programming to a <br />series of original publications and successful rooftop poetry readings <br />supported by Orange County Arts Commission. <br />Drawing Room was founded by artist and LUMP founder, Bill Thelen. <br />During the pandemic, they hosted weekly zoom drawing gatherings <br />that formed into a community of regional and national artists. <br />Drawing Room is now located at Attic 506 and offers short and long- <br />term artist residencies. The current resident artist is poet, painter and <br />mystic Nina Oteria. Nina will likely be taking ov er the space on a <br />permanent basis where she shares her artwork, performs tarot <br />readings, and organizes workshops. <br />Acid Rain is an exhibition v enue for mov ing images with a <br />decentralized curatorial structure. This project was originally founded <br />in 2008 as a v ideo art cable access series in Chapel Hill and <br />Manhattan, NY, and has ev olv ed to be an IRL platform. Acid Rain <br />recently hosted a rooftop v ideo screening supported by Orange Co. <br />Arts Commission. <br />Attic A.I.R. is a space dedicated to helping allev iate the shortage of <br />studio space for artists in downtown Chapel Hill. Each residency may <br />last one to three months. So far, we hav e been honored to host four <br />artists; poet/curator Fred Joiner, artist Lin Mercer, v ideo artist Dev on <br />Vonnie Smith, and artist/educator/author Larissa W oods. <br />The space is organized by an ev olv ing cast of artists that currently <br />includes Orv okki Crosby, Jerstin Crosby, Skully Gustafson, Oliv ia <br />Gone, Bill Thelen and Nina Oteria. The Attic 506 fiscal sponsor is <br />LUMP, (ART NOW LLC), a triangle non-profit arts space. <br />Lump (ArtNow LLC) has agreed to be our non-profit fiscal sponsor. <br />Supporting documents are enclosed. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 267CF6E3-0D2F-4374-B547-C60177ADFDE8