Orange County NC Website
Request Summary Attic 506 has become a cornerstone of the downtown Chapel Hill art <br />scene in the past fiv e years. W e offer space for artists to create a <br />dialogue with the community that would otherwise not be possible. <br />W e see our v ital space as an incubator of the arts in Orange County <br />and with your support these projects can flourish. W e are asking to <br />cov er our collectiv e rent so we can focus on creating thoughtful arts <br />programming without the monetary burdens that threaten to close <br />our doors. Sev eral of our spaces hav e sometimes been on the <br />margins of doing so due to the month-to-month ov erhead of running <br />an art space that falls outside the commercial gallery format. Our <br />total rent + utilities expense is $10,400 per year which we break into <br />monthly payments. Our request of $5200 will cov er half of our rent + <br />utilities and the other half will be matched by our in-kind monthly rent <br />+ utility payments <br />I hav e included work by fiv e upcoming artists in our attached work <br />samples. Acid Rain will show "A W ilmington Doll" v ideo by Jasmine <br />Best, who will then hav e an opportunity to curate a future work into <br />an exhibition. Larissa W ood will be in residence in the Attic A.I.R. <br />space, through late September 2022, focusing on art and ecology. <br />Emilio Taiv eaho is a poet and artist slated to hav e a solo exhibition at <br />Slug in the fall. Nina Oteria will be continuing her residency at Drawing <br />Room into 2023. <br />Organizational Goals - Prov iding affordable studio space to artists and poets/writers in <br />Chapel Hill <br />- Exhibiting (challenging) artwork with a low barrier of entry and <br />emphasis on community engagement <br />- Prov iding a space where artists and residents can gather for unique <br />arts and cultural experiences <br />- Prov iding an affordable space for artist-led projects to thriv e <br />- Prov iding an alternativ e model to the commercial galleries or <br />academic structure <br />- Partnering with like-minded arts organizations for ev ents and <br />activ ations <br />- Continue to cultiv ate relationships with artists and audience of <br />div erse sexual orientation, gender, racial & cultural backgrounds <br />How will you <br />evaluate whether or <br />not your goals have <br />been met? <br />- By continuing to be able to prov ide space for artists to exhibit, <br />create and gather for at least another year. <br />- Audience growth, audience div ersity and engagement <br />- Continued interest from artists to participate, perform or exhibit <br />high-quality artwork <br />- Community feedback <br />How do you promote <br />and publicize the <br />work of your <br />organization? <br />- Social media (instagram/facebook) v ia Attic 506, and project <br />channels <br />- Ev ent flyers hung in downtown Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Hillsborough <br />and Durham <br />- Press releases sent to Indy W eek for arts calendar inclusion <br />- Indiv idual artist newsletters <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 267CF6E3-0D2F-4374-B547-C60177ADFDE8