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<br />Program information P a g e 11 o f 23 <br />Age <br />0-5 years 0 0 0 0 <br />6-18 years 0 0 0 0 <br />19-50 years 3 1 1 2 <br />51+ years 30 24 19 26 <br />Total 33 25 20 28 <br />Geographic Location <br />Town of Chapel Hill 6 9 6 8 <br />Town of Carrboro 4 1 2 4 <br />Orange County ( Outside of Chapel Hill/Carrboro) 23 15 12 16 <br />Outside of Orange County 0 0 0 0 <br />Total 33 25 20 28 <br />Income <br />Low-income (80% of the Area Median Income and Below) Please see <br />income table in the attachments 33 25 20 28 <br />Total 33 25 20 28 <br />Additional notes: <br />1. We are counting households, not individuals. Data is for head of household. <br />2. In FY21, a total of 41 individuals were served across 25 households. Average household <br />income was $31,966 or 46% AMI. More than half of households had a disability present, and <br />9 households included veterans. <br />3. FY21 actuals are lower than the projections due to covid delays and a shift in program <br />strategy. This new strategy involves larger scale and more numerous repairs per house. In <br />FY21 we completed 83 repair projects (an average of 3 per home) and invested an average of <br />$6,584 in each home (a 64% increase over FY20). This updated strategy is informed by <br />conversations that have taken place among local government staff and repair service <br />providers in the Orange County Home Preservation Coalition regarding the goal to provide <br />more comprehensive repairs on each home. <br />4. Our projections for FY22 are lower than the actuals for FY21 due to covid-related delays, <br />hiring delays, and the above-mentioned strategic changes. <br /> <br />9. Cost Per Individual <br /> <br />This cost per individual must reflect the total program budget divided by the total number of program <br />individuals in this application. <br /> <br /> Actual 2020-2021 Projected 2021-2022 Projected 2022-2023 <br />Total Cost of Program $295,162 $300,693 $333,225 <br />Total # of Individuals 25 20 28 <br />Cost Per Individual $11,806 $15,035 $11,901 <br />Please note, consistent with the Target Population chart above, this table calculates Cost Per <br />Household rather than Cost Per Individual. <br /> <br />10. Performance Indicators <br />For Chapel Hill and Carrboro applicants: <br />Please complete the following chart with information about the Strategic Objective, Intermediate Result, and <br />the Agency Performance Indicator for each program for which you are applying for funding. Please see the <br />Results Framework in the Attachments section as a reference. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 5A12C25C-1778-4F7D-8ED2-37B021D57344