Orange County NC Website
Community Impact Soteria and Sophie of Present Day on Main are /is continuing to <br />create a space of equity and inclusion where art and artist come <br />together with the purpose of sharing stories and reminding the <br />community of the importance of humanity that lies with us all. For <br />centuries art has been use to showcase the impact of nature, people <br />and those whose v oice is echoed through the v ery strokes of an <br />artists tool. It’s us with this echo Present Day on Main seeks to shine <br />light on the v alue of nature in our stories of rest, our stores of lov e <br />and inclusiv ity. For justice to prev ail it must be seen, felt, we believ e <br />the walls ( of art) speak ev en when the world remains silent. This will <br />be an important mural for ev eryone that v iews Present Day as a safe <br />space and a community gathering space since it will be on the main <br />wall inside the building. This mural will help elev ate other works in the <br />space and create a more unified area for conv ersions to be held, <br />people to connect, and art to be made. <br />Artist Experience I hav e been a mural artist for 7 years. I currently am a board member <br />for the non-profit mural organization The Artback Mural Cooperativ e <br />in Estacada, Oregon. ( I hav e painted two other <br />large murals for Present Day on Main in addition to helping lead other <br />murals in W ilmington, NC. I also hav e my bachelor degree from UNC- <br />Chapel Hill in Fine Arts and hav e been a working artist since 2016. <br />How do you plan to <br />market your project? <br />I plan on using social media such as Instagram, Facebook and <br />TikTok to document the process and to bring more v isibility to the <br />space and the community. My sister and I hav e a large social media <br />presence and hav e a lot of connection to people in the area. W e <br />hope to use this connection to bring awareness to our mural and <br />Present Day on Main. <br />PROJECT/PROGRAM <br />BUDGET <br />Please fill out the charts below with your project's expenses and <br />income. Use the "Explanation" box to offer details for each category. <br />NOTE: The Total Cash Expense must equal the Total Cash Income. <br />Budgeted Expense <br />Expenses-english-rev ised.xlsx <br />Budgeted Income <br />Income-english-rev ised.xlsx <br />Resumes of artists/administrators <br />Sage_Kellyn_Resume.pdf <br />Publicity Samples n/a <br />W ork Samples <br />309C5277-3012-4220-A35B-4FA239F88F08_2.JPG <br />IMG_6989.JPG <br />IMG_6988_2.JPG <br />IMG_1492.JPG <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: F74EB76E-BFF0-4E2C-BD5C-849B5277E4C0