Orange County NC Website
29 <br /> 18. Where a boundary of a tract is formed by a curved line, the actual survey data from the <br /> point of curvature of the curve to the point of tangency shall be shown on the face of the <br /> map. Where a boundary of a tract is formed by a creek or river, offset traverse shall be <br /> run and offset points shown on map with reference to boundary points in center of <br /> stream as called for in the deed. <br /> 19. All easements and encroachments on the property being surveyed shall be accurately <br /> located and clearly indicated on the map. <br /> 20. The surveyor shall furnish to the ADFPTF a written description for each tract surveyed. <br /> 21. The surveyor agrees to fully complete all the surveys herein set out and to furnish the <br /> ADFPTF an original copy of each survey together with a written description. <br /> Additionally,the surveyor agrees provide, by e-mail, a DWG file or shapefile before <br /> payment is made. The digital file must be tied to the N.C. State Plane Coordinate <br /> System (NAD 83) Grid(georeferenced). <br /> 22. The AutoCAD or GIS shapefile should contain a polygon clearly identifying the <br /> Boundaries of the Conservation Easement. This requirement is an addition to any line <br /> work. <br /> 23. Legal access from the easement area to the state-maintained road must be shown on the <br /> survey. <br /> 24. The survey must show all access easements over and across the landowner's property to <br /> adjoining tracts. If the easement area is less than the landowner's entire tract of land, the <br /> survey must show access to the landowner's remaining parcel of land. <br /> 25. Legal access is required for areas of the parcel excluded from the conservation <br /> easement. Access easements for ingress, egress, and regress across the conservation <br /> easement must be clearly identified on the survey and included in the legal description. <br /> Access easements must be a minimum of 20 feet in width unless a larger width is <br /> required by the county zoning and planning office, local ordinances, or applicable <br /> regulations. <br /> f ppre),rcd <br />